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Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Another question, if your getting less than one claim a year for wildlife damage, why are so many crop damage tags handed out?


Thanks for stopping by Brent, helps to get a dialogue going...

I guess my first question is what're your opinions on today's deer herd here in Ohio and do you agree with the bag limits that we currently have?

Man this is going to be a tough crowd! I don't want to sound wishy-washy on this, but in my local area I'm OK with the population, would like to see it a little higher, but it's not bad. Statewide I know we have some areas that are hurting and some areas that are too high. I know one question I'd like to have answered is what happened to the deer zones that were proposed a few years ago, thought they would have been a far better way to manage the deer. Also I know there were some recommendations as to changing some bag limits by county last night but I haven't had time to see what they were yet.


Another question, if your getting less than one claim a year for wildlife damage, why are so many crop damage tags handed out?

Good question, I don't know why. In a normal year my company will handle 2-3000 claims a year in Ohio and very few of them will have a wildlife cause code. Part of it may be that I don't know if a farmer is required to have a certain level of damage for crop damage permits or not. In our case if he normally would produce 150 bu/ac of corn and he had a policy at 70% He would have to be below 105 bu/ac to fall into a loss. I do see wildlife damage in a lot of fields but it doesn't rise to the level of a payable claim very often.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Brent, thanks for stopping by and getting the dialog going.

As the social media rep on behalf of all sportsmen/women, what are your thoughts on getting a live steam video going during the quarterly meetings that can be broadcast for all on social media to follow.

It would be really nice for the hunting community to follow along via web conferencing.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Brent, thanks for stopping by and getting the dialog going.

As the social media rep on behalf of all sportsmen/women, what are your thoughts on getting a live steam video going during the quarterly meetings that can be broadcast for all on social media to follow.

It would be really nice for the hunting community to follow along via web conferencing.

That's a great idea.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Brent, good to see you over here on this side of things.

I know I've been sounding pretty harsh on you today. I just don't see how they came to you for this position. I've known your through the keyboard for 4-5 years now and you seem like a really great guy that really loves his hunting. But, I can't ever recall you get involved in any conversations when it came to topics. I do remember you having a rough year a couple years ago and you really hunted hard until the last day. You stayed in good spirits the entire time.

Congrats on the buck this year TOO! How'd you do in Kentucky this year?

I could promise you some of these boys would like to shake your hand (myself included) and have coffee one of these days. Thats how it is over here, we actually get together and know each other personally. This is family.

Congrats on the position. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out.

I read on OS that this was a 10 year plan and you had a link posted for submitting emails. Could you share that here as well, please.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm that guy!
I'm Brent Laner from East Central Ohio, New Phila to be exact. I've used the Bawana handle for 17 years now. A little about me, I'm 63 years old, Been hunting since I was 10, I harvested my first Ohio deer in 1977 (back when you had to apply for a doe permit). I spent 4 years at Ohio State in Agriculture, trying to get into vet school. Didn't make it but spent my next 25 years in the Highway Patrol, retiring in October of 2002. 2003 I started working as a field reporter for our local Farm Service Agency office. In 2007 I became certified to appraise and adjust crops for federal crop insurance. I have belonged to the Dumbassville web site since 2002. I have been a moderator since 2009.
To answer a few of Joe's questions, This position is not about creating a social media presence, it's going to be a group that will make recommendations for the directions our deer management should take over the next ten years. My current employment will not in any way influence my opinions on this group. In my 10 years of crop insurance work I have had less than one claim per year for wildlife damage. What you see in the news release is as much as I know about the group. Looking at the make up of the group I would say that sportsman will be well represented. I see 9-10 groups that will be represented by sportsman: BBBC, BFA, League of Dumbassville, OBA, QDMA, OWC, Ohio Outdoor Writers, WU, Social Media, and the Nature Conservancy and Ohio Conservation Federation possibly.
I plan on updating both the members on this site and the Dumbassville of the meetings and also asking your opinions on the topics we will be discussing. Feel free to PM me and I'll try to be on the site regularly enough to keep up with this thread and anymore that may come up on the topic.

Thanks for introducing yourself Brent. Also. Please don't take my comments about the body of work or experience personally. It's in regard to the job not the man. I tried to state that in my original post about how I think you're a good guy but it may have gotten lost in the rest.

Let's just get this little uncomfortable bit out of the way upfront though. Please feel free to interact with and inform the members here of the goings on with the new organisation; however I politely ask that in the future you refrain from mention of another site. Past actions by its owner has shown that such mentions of our site there recieved a quite unwelcoming response in the way of it being immediately deleted. Nothing personal, just please understand that going forward we will keep with the precidence of reciprocity that has already been set.

I have a question however. Do I understand it correctly that as the official represenative for the social media chair providing input, the position has no intention of creating a social media presence? Isn't that somewhat counter intuitive to the description of the social media position? I would think a bidirectional approach of funneling hunters opinions voiced via social media to the floor of the organisation for consideration would be one role of the social media chair. And in the opposite direction the social medias chair would outreach to the hunters using social media an update to their voiced concerns.

If the intent is to simply inform huntets on social media the goings on of the organisation, without also bringing their concerns to the floor, that will disinfranchise a very large body of hunters who will likely relate it more to a propaganda minister rather that a social media chair representing their interest.

What is your plan to bring forth to the floor of the debate the obviously disgruntled voice of hunters we see so prevelant across the various websites, Facebook and instagram to make their voice part of the discussion for consideration?

Also. Please feel free to reach out to me with any social media questions or if you need help.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man this is going to be a tough crowd!

LOL. Welcome to TOO! With the amount of traffic and participation rates we enjoy it makes for a very fast paced environment that you may not be used to elsewhere. Some days you'll check in the morning and come back at lunch, and a thread will have jumped 10 pages. Lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brent, thanks for stopping by and getting the dialog going.

As the social media rep on behalf of all sportsmen/women, what are your thoughts on getting a live steam video going during the quarterly meetings that can be broadcast for all on social media to follow.

It would be really nice for the hunting community to follow along via web conferencing.


That'd be great to be able to view and see the interaction between the members.... Good input Ryan....



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Man this is going to be a tough crowd! I don't want to sound wishy-washy on this, but in my local area I'm OK with the population, would like to see it a little higher, but it's not bad. Statewide I know we have some areas that are hurting and some areas that are too high. I know one question I'd like to have answered is what happened to the deer zones that were proposed a few years ago, thought they would have been a far better way to manage the deer. Also I know there were some recommendations as to changing some bag limits by county last night but I haven't had time to see what they were yet.

Not tough, so to speak but we will hold your feet too the fire.... Especially if you're just going to be a cheerleader for the DNR.... The nature of the position will cause some sleepless nights buddy lol.... I hope it works out for ALL involved...
There are a lot of legitimate concerns about the deer herd and it's justified. The days of broad brushed management style are gone now that the DNR is close too their expectations on deer numbers in a lot areas....



Staff member
My thoughts summed up on the DMSO:



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That'd be great to be able to view and see the interaction between the members.... Good input Ryan....


Welcome to TOO Brent! If you represent the hunters and not let those who got us into the situation we're in now continue to have their way you'll have the majority of our support.

Personally I feel the broad zone bag limits got us to where we are today. It almost needs to be broke down even further than just by county which I know would be too difficult. I hunt mostly in Warren county and where I hunt the deer numbers are way down but around a few small towns within the county I do see deer from time to time. It's basically down to where if there is any large areas with no hunter access there's average to above average numbers of deer. Everywhere else, WAY DOWN at least here in Warren county.

I'd also like to see these farmer groups that are so hell bent on eradicating the deer find away that these farmers having such a problem with damage due to deer can get with hunters like myself struggling to find private land close to home to hunt. I personally have tried driving an hour or so to 5 public hunting areas near Cincinnati and saw very little deer and too many hunters. It's comical how they put so many restrictions on the distances you have to stay away from roads,horse riding trails,hiking trails,beaches,camping and picnic areas that its virtually illegal to hunt anywhere! Plus the deer know where the no hunting areas are and leave them after last light and enter them before daylight for the most part. Park employees have told me they see it happen all the time. Those hunters who live closeby are the ones who have the most success in these parks but also hunt them the most and have the least driving time and gas wasted to and from.

Glad you stopped by and introduced yourself Brent. We're just all pretty frustrated as you can tell! :smiley_crocodile:
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I find that most of the people complaining about high deer numbers are complaining about areas that you can't hunt. Sure the county gets the mark from the insurance company, but it's a deer inside on city limits. So they put a unrealistic expectation out for that county...when you can't buy a deer outside of the limits because everyone has over-harvested them already. System is broken...you can't count a herd by the number of dead deer. Not when you raise opportunity every year.


I find that most of the people complaining about high deer numbers are complaining about areas that you can't hunt. Sure the county gets the mark from the insurance company, but it's a deer inside on city limits. So they put a unrealistic expectation out for that county...when you can't buy a deer outside of the limits because everyone has over-harvested them already. System is broken...you can't count a herd by the number of dead deer. Not when you raise opportunity every year.


I have said this a 100 times, lets massacre the herd in Ashland County (just an example, not real proof) because people continuously hit deer on 250 within city limits next to Walmart.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Welcome to TOO, Bawana. Thank you for your service to the community throughout the years. I wish you luck in your new endeavor. It will be one requiring thick skin. I believe this site will be fair to you but will also shoot holes through any hocus pocus messages the DNR asks you to deliver. I suspect it will be both a frustrating and rewarding journey you are beginning. I look forward to observing this mission as it progresses. I hope the voice of the hunters is heard and recognized. You have a big challenge in front of yourself. Good luck to you!

I have a question however. Do I understand it correctly that as the official represenative for the social media chair providing input, the position has no intention of creating a social media presence? Isn't that somewhat counter intuitive to the description of the social media position? I would think a bidirectional approach of funneling hunters opinions voiced via social media to the floor of the organisation for consideration would be one role of the social media chair. And in the opposite direction the social medias chair would outreach to the hunters using social media an update to their voiced concerns.

If the intent is to simply inform huntets on social media the goings on of the organisation, without also bringing their concerns to the floor, that will disinfranchise a very large body of hunters who will likely relate it more to a propaganda minister rather that a social media chair representing their interest.

What is your plan to bring forth to the floor of the debate the obviously disgruntled voice of hunters we see so prevelant across the various websites, Facebook and instagram to make their voice part of the discussion for consideration?

I will be following along. Very good point Joe. I believe these questions and how they are handled will tell the hunters a lot.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Another question, if your getting less than one claim a year for wildlife damage, why are so many crop damage tags handed out?

The way crop insurance works it's very difficult to have a loss from wildlife damage that the insurance pays for. First you buy insurance as a percent of your average yield of a certain crop. This is called APH, actual production history, and they go back up to 10 years. You can get coverage for 50-85% of your APH. The higher the coverage the higher the premium, most farmers seem to be in the 70-75% range. A 75% policy means you have to lose 25% of the crop before you collect a penny. 85% coverage is very expensive, think of your car insurance with a $100 deductible vs a $1000 deductible.

Deer damage tends to be a chronic problem where the deer have been eating the crop for years. They maybe are taking 5%, 7%, 10% of the crop a year which means your APH has gradually been declining. Ever hear of the miracle of compounded interest? This is it in reverse.

Second while you can insure each farm you farm separately there is a substantial savings to lump them together. So if you farm 1000 acres and have wildlife damage on one or 2 farms unless the damage on those farms approaches 100% you will never collect.

Third only certain crops are insurable; corn, beans and wheat are. The only insurance I can get for my pumpkins is a policy that requires a 50% loss before it pays. Most fruits and vegetables fall into this category, I don't believe you can insure hay either. I've never had deer damage in my pumpkins but I'll guarantee if I ever do one way or another there will be dead deer long before it gets to 50%.

Crop insurance works best for unusual disasters not chronic problems.
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