Unreal. Talk about incompetence...
Welcome too the government rotflmao
Unreal. Talk about incompetence...
:smiley_clap: I hope they go by the ORC..... I gotta work the 7-8 rotflmao
The way they've screwed this year up, we'll be lucky to have any descent bucks left for next year.
I hear that every year...
When is the Ohio Muzzle-loading season. See below:
From 1501:31-15-11 Deer regulations.
(e) Statewide muzzleloading deer season is open from the second Saturday
after New Years Day through the following Tuesday.
The published regulations show January 7th through the 10th. Which is
Mike Andruch
Hello Mike! It is Jan 7-10, 2011, as is states in the regulations.
Here is my inquiry:
Here is Rochelle response:
There you have it boyz.
Tell Rochelle before we take her word on this we need to see her picture. ickle:
Talked to our local Wildlife Officer tonight. He explained it to me that the 7-10th was not "law". In order to make it "legal" to hunt the 7-10th they would have to pass some emergency law enabling us to hunt the 7-10th. Reg book doesn't constitute which dates were passed as the legal dates to hunt muzzle loader. Does this make sense?
He also told me he has not heard an official position from the ODNR as of around dinner time when I talked to him (roughly 530pm). He told me to watch and listen as they would HAVE to make some sort of announcement soon. They are aware of it, but need to do something about it. If not, he told me there would be no real way to enforce tickets if they stopped someone for hunting muzzle loader hunting on the "wrong" date. All they can do is soft enforce it. Basically, "Yes, we know these are the wrong dates. We cannot give you a ticket, but you are now aware you are hunting on the wrong dates. If we catch you with a muzzle loader or tagging in a deer taken with a muzzle loader for the rest of days xyz, then you will receive a ticket."
They would be ticketing you for either following their rules or the ORC which is the law of the land..... Friggin state employees..... Bunch of idiots..... And I thought the Feds were effed up.....