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DIY Land MGMT - 1023's Farm Tour


Staff member
I have been contemplating opening up our farm to a group of TOOzers for a March tour. We have a lot of guys here that are interested in managing pieces of property and I've been messing with stuff for 10 years now, with some major projects launching in the spring. If there is enough interest, I will pick a Saturday in March where we can meet at our farm (Washington County) and do a walk through of the property. We can check out my food plots, sanctuary layouts, stands, cam sites, minerals, future plans, etc. It would give me a chance to share what I've learned in a "field trip" setting, and it would allow me to get some feedback from you all on things maybe I am missing or should consider. I can cater a lunch and we could even shoot some trap/bows/rifles later in the afternoon. I could accommodate 6-8 people for this and would do so on a first come, first serve basis. All you need to do is get yourself to/from the farm.

Anyone interested in doing something like this?
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*Supporting Member*
I remember I had this idea a few years ago and not enough people showed interest. Jesse I would be interested if the weekend is free for me. Let me know when it is, hell maybe get lucky and find some sheds.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Well that goes without saying David.... At least you didn't shit yourself in the stand this year.... Or at least admit it publicly lol.... Although you got Michael to puke lmao
I shit myself on the ladder, thank you very much.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Just stayed in that stand a minute and a half too long lol...

Now that I remember, didn't you almost shit yourself when we were groundhog hunting????



Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I would be interested. However I know that putting in a food plot and managing the land that I don't own isn't realistic. I think I just want to be there to hang out with the guys and drink a few beers.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I wouldn't want to take away from the 6-8 that you could house is what I was getting at. Shit, I could sleep in my truck. LOL