Well first off, I had assumed that most animals didn't eat the soybeans...but since I don't really pay any attention to deer, maybe I missed that, my bad...and like GoetsTalon said, who the heck would want to eat any animal that consumed that Monsanto crap exclusively anyways? You know the cafeteria at Monsanto is all organic food, right? They won't even eat their own poison! I sure try not to eat any of that in my food at home, but it seems to make its way into more and more foods as time goes by now. And I definitely am not knocking any of the other crops like corn, wheat, sunflowers, and all the other prairie seed type grasses/millet, etc. Although...the way they manage even those prairie-type plants is pretty pathetic. The sunflowers should be burned, and the ground disced clean...but they never are, for instance. No dove wants to land on 6 inch tall grass and fish its way through it to find a sunflower seed that isn't very easy to open, all the while trying to keep an eye out for hawks and other predators that have become overpopulated. I guess it all boils down to the fact that more lands in wildlife areas are not planted with the best available crops, or managed in the best possible way because DNR does not have the funding that they need to do that properly, so they lease land to farmers to try to make up a portion of it....but obviously don't get enough. I still think farmers should pay some kind of ecological tax (cue the Conservative's screaming.)