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*Supporting Member*
I'd guess alot of resident hunters aren't hunting as much as they lose access to land . Alot of property that used to be hunted by local hunters is being leased and only hunted by a couple people now .


So the antlered buck harvest is increasing but the overall population is decreasing?


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
So the antlered buck harvest is increasing but the overall population is decreasing?

How many more hunters these days are buck only? Lots of equations in this...to discard any of them over a graph is just plain stupid. Hunting has changed, but the way ODNR gets its numbers and stats hasn't. That's a problem.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Antlered buck tracking system is flawed. For Ohio to continue to use it for herd size is inaccurate. When they allow you to kill 5 antlerless to 1 antlered, how do you expect any accuracy? They have blown smoke up my ass for so long I can taste it, I've had enough. I've read your post for years about how you let doe's walk because you aren't seeing the numbers you used to. Now you see a graph and your mind forgot what you seen with your own eyes?


No, I've not had what I referred to as a low population for quite some time. If you believe you do have a low population then that's for you to decide what to do. The graph Mrex shared was just one of many we received over the past two days at the stakeholders meeting. In the very near future I'll be posting more graphs and data as well as posting several survey questions relating to discussions we've had at the stakeholders group. We did not record any of the sessions, mainly because the person who was taking care of that was "reassigned". Did have the opportunity to meet the new chief and one of his assistants. I'll talk about that later. The deer stakeholders group is a very diverse group. There are some who think hunting is at the gloom and doom stage and while others feel we are in the golden years. One who feels the herd needs to be greatly reduced, and some who are satisfied where we are currently at. Again the graph MRex put up is just one of many, and 1023 you might want to buy a popcorn farm until it's done!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So that we sportsmen can align our support for those who share our interest. Which organisations representative have the following opinions you stated.

"One who feels the herd needs to be greatly reduced, and some who are satisfied where we are currently at."

Also. Any groups who believe the population should be increased please list those stakeholder.

If we are being represented by these organisations as stakehders then we have a right to know their specific stances.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I will hold further comment until more information is shared. I was unaware that more information was available. Seems someone might have been looking to discredit what gets said on TOO...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So the antlered buck harvest is increasing but the overall population is decreasing?
I see it locally. I am seeing bucks outnumbering does locally probably 3 to 1 right now. If those bucks are searching harder to find does I foresee more bucks being tagged while overall numbers will continue to decrease. Locally, I'm getting nervous. Given the opportunity this year I'll tag a button buck for meat over a doe. Might not be a great plan. Possibly flawed. Just my thoughts at the moment. Once in a tree stand I may see something different. It is possible I'm only seeing bachelor groups and the does are hibernating???


Smartest person here
Linn County Iowa
There is a correlation between bucks harvested and the number of does. Especially if u can only harvest one buck. As you can't continue to harvest bucks at an increasing or steady rate over several years if there are not does to give birth to them.

I ain't on one side or another on this, but I see the correlation.


I'm not going to name names at this point, these people represent different groups. How I think they feel may not be totally accurate. If you look at the last page of the first summary document you can see all the groups that are represented. By looking at the groups involved you can pretty much surmise their positions. Surprisingly insurance companies were invited but chose not to participate.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'm not going to name names at this point, these people represent different groups. How I think they feel may not be totally accurate. If you look at the last page of the first summary document you can see all the groups that are represented. By looking at the groups involved you can pretty much surmise their positions. Surprisingly insurance companies were invited but chose not to participate.
Did the insurance companies give a reason as to why they chose not to participate?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Without openly stating the position of the parties involved then these groups aren't representing anyone. These supposed stakeholders are debating resources that belong to ALL people, as such ALL people have a right to know which group wants the herd drastically reduced, who wants more deer, and who thinks its just right.

I'm not asking you to surmise, but if ""One who feels the herd needs to be greatly reduced"" as you say shouldn't be hard to name.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think Jackalope wants a seat at the table. I'd like to see him participate at these meetings. It would open some eyes.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think Jackalope wants a seat at the table. I'd like to see him participate at these meetings. It would open some eyes.

There's a reason the social media chair wasn't seated with one of two of the most successful Ohio based sportsmen website founders Hicks. Despite them being basically the first people to bring the discussion around the ODNR deer decimation agenda to the online front some 9 years ago, or having collected perhaps the most data on the subject of anyone at that table, or having created the fastest growing Sportsman's gathering online that out posts its nearest competitor by almost 3x a year.

The reason behind that should tell you all you need to know regarding the intended agenda of this "stakeholder" experiment.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There's a reason the social media chair wasn't seated with one of two of the most successful Ohio based sportsmen website founders Hicks. Despite them being basically the first people to bring the discussion around the ODNR deer decimation agenda to the online front some 9 years ago, or having collected perhaps the most data on the subject of anyone at that table.

The reason behind that should tell you all you need to know regarding the intended agenda of this supposed stakeholder experiment.
Personally, I think you would be a fantastic addition to the team. I don't agree with everything you say, but I want to see multiple positions presented. I feel the hunters have had the other end of the spectrum in their ear long enough. Viewpoints from all angles seems like a good idea in my mind.