How did the coyote get in your underwear? rotflmao :smiley_confused_vra
Well, um... You see... Oh, you'd never believe me.
How did the coyote get in your underwear? rotflmao :smiley_confused_vra
IC Lite.
Realistically you arent going to be able to open your door and get a shot at a buck of a lifetime with a bow without him being alerted to you opening your door or window. If he is on your property, he is fair game. I would feel no shame in killing him. Who cares if you are wearing street clothes or camoflage...when an opportunity presents itself, you take it.
I remember it well Bro! We hunted the whole week before and the last 3 days of our vacation it was warm and 100% chance of rain. AND it DID!..........and just for the record, I videoed him for several minutes in my sweats and a tee then went to the garage through our kitchen door got dressed in full camo from hat to socks and even slipped on my rubber boots,grabbed my bow with quiver and strapped on my wrist release and headed back into the house to watch and video some more. I then nocked one arrow and took off my quiver and waited for the right time to crack the door and slide outside on to my stoop and put myself into the best inside corner next to out screened in porch and continued to watch him nudge does. He appeared to be pushing them toward the otherside of the house so I slipped back inside, went back through our garage and tried a stalk along the far side of the house wall and wait for a shot BUT he turned and went back the other way from which he came leaving me no choice but to backtrack my way back into the house through our garage and through our living room and time my exit once again. I slipped onto the same position and finally got the shot I was looking for.
I actually felt like a ninja deer hunter...lmao
I hunted my ass off for the past 3 weeks exhausting most of my vacation with just a day or two for gun season. I hadn't shot a deer in 3-4 years prior due to holding out for a mature buck. Like Jake(Carpn) said earlier, I take it I was given a gift opportunity and decided to take it. Made for a neat encounter and a great day I'll never forget!
It didn't nothing to botlster my ego and I tell everyone that asks me about that deer how I took him.
I guess it all depends on why you hunt. What motivates you.
I like the 2 bucks on the fireplace Ric...good idea! I have 3 over it Chad:smiley_bril: