Anyone having shed bucks on camera yet? We have a few in past days. Neighbors found huge matching set. I know stress, weather and a host of other things can affect this. Anyone have insight? Been researching the inter webs. Merry Christmas.
That's a they/them deer.I’m not sure if this is a buck or not, but it kinda looks like a shed buck to me. Could be a fat ass doe as well View attachment 169236
Agree.I think it is normal. Just so many cameras out nowadays to prove it.
Since the weekend gun season I have identified 21 bucks that are 2+ on my place. That does not include the one that has shed or year old bucks. It is diffiicult for me to believe you have no bucks. I would not want to live in that world.Yall talk about deer like you have more than one...must be nice.
DavE NewsomE