My uncle came in from texas called to ask if he could hunt my stands told him yea go right ahead seeing as how I doubt I will make it with football winding down. He said he walked to tracks back and his sister(my aunts) dogs barked the whole way here and on the tracks where three does. Than in a newly cut bean feild was a buck and doe bedded down not 20 yards from the wood edge that I have a stand just twenty yards in!!! It's so frustrating to have football taking up so much time and all these missed opportunities. I can't be gone from 6 am- 8pm every everyday and 12 hours on the weekend and than expect my wife and daughter to let me go hunting for a couple hours when I haven't seen them all week!! They would let me go but it's the fact I feel horrible not seeing them. So with football winding down I am getting pumped to get out there and might try to start sneaking out on the weekends and it's relly getting my goat now that my uncle said that buck was bedded down near my stand!!