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Ever Get Caught Off-Guard?

The season opener is today and right after first light a doe came walking towards me with a fawn, following behind. As soon as she gets to the 15 yard mark, she beds down and her fawn stood close by. I had no intentions of shooting either one, so I stayed in my seat and took a photo. :)

Next thing I know....3 of her boyfriends show up and there I sit. :rolleyes: Ain't life grand. :ROFLMAO:
Anyone else ever get caught off-guard? :unsure:




Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seat? I thought you were a saddle hunter now? To answer your question, yes. Been caught off guard in the woods plenty of times.
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Seat? I thought you were a saddle hunter now? To answer your question, yes. Been caught off guard in the woods plenty of times.
Yep, I was in a sitting position, in the saddle.
As it turned out, the bucks were in thick cover and I never would've had a shot any way. :sneaky: Especially, the big guy and he's the only one that would've been worth taking a shot.
I enjoyed it, just the same. There's plenty of the season left. :cool: