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Dignitary Member
Staff member
They should be showing up on cam by now guys... Lets see em..



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've only gotten one set of fawn pics so far. My cam has been set pretty much out in the open, though... so that's probably why. Last summer I had it back in the woods and got a shit-ton of fawn pics.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
I would but I delete every pic unless its a buck or interesting and still end up saving a couple hundred pics a year.

I save em all. So far I have over 4,000 this year.. The pics i checked Sunday i will look through them everyday until i check the cams again.

Why the madness you might ask...

It gives me a window into the activity / schedule / diurnal-nocturnal activity levels / of ALL the deer on the property..

Well how can this be important? It can be VERY important.. I know it will change as season gets closer. But deer are rather habitual creatures. going too and fro from bedding, feeding, water etc. this helps me estlabish a pattern as to their movements. Honestly i have no clue where they are going or coming from... But if i see the majority of the deer coming from one direction in the evening, and going back in the morning. this may help me understand that the bedding is south.. I can't pinpoint it's exact location, but it's south.. Probably not an area I want to approach my stand from or be upwind of on my approach.. I might come in from this direction where i never see them come from. Also, i think they have times they like to be places.. Some deer return to bedding well before daylight, while others can be seen in the beans until well into the morning.. What percentage of my deer do that?

If you study these pictures, times, dates, approach locations you can begin to form an idea of what goes on.. You'll never get it all. I'm only viewing a small portion of the woods here.

For instance. Bud and Clyde always show up at the cams either in the middle of the night, or in the early daylight morning. Mostly at night. They usually only stop in once or twice a week. And almost always approach from the south east.. This tells me two things. 1. they aren't staying on my property. 2. They are somewhere south east.


Junior Member
Perry County
Very true Jackalope, I guess ive really never thought of it from that standpoint as for worrying about does. I do study the buck pics, but doing it for does never really crossed my mind because they seem pretty easy to find and I glass almost every night so as for the patterns as of early season ive got that pretty well laid out. But in more remote locations your tactics could be very useful.