Ron rushed home from work to get a quick walk in before dark on our farm to find the mate to the target bucks shed he found a few days ago. When I got the call at about 5:30 of him panting like a dog in heat I knew he found something good but I wasn’t prepared to hear just how special it was! You know as mentioned earlier in this thread that he found this bucks left side not too far from where he found the same side of this past years left side. The right side of last years rack was very unique and big sporting two main beams. He looked all over for it and it never turned up so we figured it got dropped on another property. Here is a pic of the buck after he shed the side Ron eventually found. The pic came from our neighbor Austin.
Here’s that side he found this evening about a year after the pic above was taken.
He also found another nice year or two old shed laying nearby.
Here are his finds together
Here are our target bucks sheds he’s found so far. We’re hoping by the end of this thread we can add it to the set.
It will be fun chasing him this fall and seeing how much he grows.