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Feeler: Wicked Ridge Invader crossbow


Active Member
Athens County
It’s probably 10 years old. New limbs and string replaced 5 years ago. Functions flawlessly. No idea what to ask for it. Looking to upgrade.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Or on third thought, you need to keep it.
Even if you treat yourself to a new one, because having a backup is always a good thing. And if you have a backup, you can lend it to a newbie hunting recruit. But a backup is always a good thing, because two is one and one is none.
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Active Member
Athens County
Or on third thought, you need to keep it.
Even if you treat yourself to a new one, because having a backup is always a good thing. And if you have a backup, you can lend it to a newbie hunting recruit. But a backup is always a good thing, because twp is one and one is none.
I’ll make sure my wife doesn’t see this. And stop putting thoughts like this in my head!
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Senior Member
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@Smawgunner2 .... Like Dan said... Backups are great to have .. Never know when something might break... Then you have down time to hunting season and are forced to buy something you don't want do to availability... So go buy a new bow and keep this one... Something to consider.... Get one that basically shoots the same bolts, same length, same nocks, same spine.... That way the bolts are interchangable and you don't have to run out and spend more money on bolts...
Or on third thought, you need to keep it.
Even if you treat yourself to a new one, because having a backup is always a good thing. And if you have a backup, you can lend it to a newbie hunting recruit. But a backup is always a good thing, because two is one and one is none.
Yep. Especially a 10 year old bow won't be worth that much anyway. Kinda sad but just the way it is with bows.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Yes keep that bow if you do not have a backup. Wicked Ridge has great warranty and the quality is beyond. (Especially compared to the lesser priced junk they are selling now a days).
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