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Field of Dreams 2014


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
May 29
It rained real hard today less than 24 hrs. after planting so I should be good to go. Should see plants up in 6-7 days.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
May 31
Went back to the West side of the farm where I'm putting a new food plot. I sprayed more Roundup and enlarged the area I plan to plant. Should be about 1/2 ac. Plan to use a Whitetail Extreme perennial then top dress each year with clover.
Should have that planted next week after the weed killer works it's wonder.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 1
I had a awesome find in my food plot today. In 2013 I planted 1/2 ac. of Evolved Harvest Winter Pz and Mean Bean. The beans and peas came up 3-4" and the deer moved in and ate every plant one weekend.
I haven't checked it all spring and was going to let the forage oats go to seed and disk it under for a secondary crop with a new clover plot.
What a surprise I had today as the Winter Pz had forage oats and a red clover in it and I got a awesome crop of clover 12" high. I'm new at this and wished I'd seen it a 1-2 months ago and I would have frost seeded clover on it. Oh well I'll do a fall and spring top dress on it and have a good start of my new clover plot I wanted.

The forage oats is over 4 feet tall and seeding out great and it'll make a good secondary crop when disked under.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 2
The radish, turnips and bets are up that I planted May 28. Looking good. The hot weather and rain this week should give them a good head start.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 5
The newly planted radish, turnips, and beets are about 1" high and just covering the new plot. Looks great.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 7
I bush hogged my clover patch to 12" to cut the weeds before going to seed. It's looking good.

The radish, turnips and beets are coming along with the hot weather and all the rain we got this week.

Radish, tu rnips and beets.

Clover plot 6 weeks ago on April 21. Come a long wa y since then
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 14
I roto tilled the last 2 small food plots on the West side of the farm. A little wet and a little late but damn it's been raining every week and 3 more days of rain this week. I'll seed it tomorrow night and should get rained in this week. The other small plot that I planted 7 days ago is coming up.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 15
Planted the 2 small food plots on the West side of the farm. Planted a perennial and will just frost seed each spring.

Checked on the big food plot I planted May 28th. It coming along just fine with a good crop.
The clover is filling in nice.
Last years forage oats is heading out nice and the seeds are starting to harden somewhat. When it's mature I'll bush hog it down and disk it under and replant forage oats in that 1/2 ac. Then there's a 1.0 ac. plot next to it.

Last years forage oats and clover is looking good. I'll bush hog the oats down when mature. The clover is growing just great.

That will give me 1.0 ac. of clover out of the 3.0 ac. in that food plot beside my hunting woods and hinting tower.

Weather permitting I plan on planting the forage oats about mid August if the rain is correct for planting.

Having fun.

Radish, turnips, beets.

2014 clover after I bush hogged it. I'll keep cutting the weeds tops off so nothing goes to seed. At the top left hand corner you can see the 2014 hunting tower I built.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You aren't messing around this year Frank. I hope it pays off with another nice buck for you this season!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You aren't messing around this year Frank. I hope it pays off with another nice buck for you this season!

I'm planning on enlarging the West side of the farm food plots. Need to remove some cedar trees. All I do is use the front of the tractor and push the cedar trees over then hook a chain to them and pull them out of the way. Some of the cedar trees are 15-20 ft. tall but they have a very shallow root system so they remove rather easy.
Wish I would have started 23 yrs. ago putting food plot in.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 16
We got a nice 5 minute rain shower today. That should help wash the new seed in I planted last night. More rain forecasted for W-T-F.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 22
Spread fertilizer with my new to me 3 pt. spreader. It spreads 65 ft. wide. I did 2 ac. in less than 5 minutes. What a nice job.

I checked the West side 3 food plots I planted 7 days ago and have 1" plants already.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Everything is coming up just fine. This hot weather and rain 3-5 day per week is helping.

Had a 24 hr. break in the rain forecast this week so I sprayed Roundup weed kill on my 1.0 ac. plot that will be planted in forage oats come August.

The 2 clover plots are knee high and blossoms everywhere. That gives me my 1.0 ac. of clover out of that 3.0 ac. plot. Got a 1/2 ac. on both sides. I'll have 1.5 ac. of Whitetail Inst. Forage Oats come August.

Looks like it will be a fun deer season this year. Just noticed there is a 15 ac. corn field planted on the East side of my hunting woods. That's about the only crop planted in the ajoining properties.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
June 29
I checked the weed sprayed plot today and have 80-90%% brown weeds. I'll wait a week or so and do a touch up. Then plant WT Forage Oats in about 6 weeks.

Been fighting a bad chest infection for the last 6-7 days. The medication is kicking in and finally stopped non-stop coughing and only cough now and then. I wanted to start my new hunting tower but that'll have to wait a few more days.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
July 6
I bush hogged the 2 clover plots 12" high to knock down the weeds so they didn't go to seed.
Also bush hogged the 2013 forage oats plot down to the ground to get it ready for planting in August for a fall planting.

When bush hogging the forage oats I flushed a hen turkey. She didn't flush until I was over top of her and she fly out between the front and rear tractor tires. Scared the living crap out of me. She was setting on a nest of 8 eggs. It surely is a late hatch. I broke one egg open and it was just barely developing with some minor blood.

The 1/2 ac. of turnips, radish, and beets I planted last month is knee high grass. Only the planted plants around the edges. I hope the deer like the damn grass. Maybe next year.

The 2 clover plots totaling 1.0 ac. are filling in really great and going to make a nice clover plot. Looking good.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
July 12
It's forecasted for heavy rain tomorrow. So I spread fertilizer and roto tilled the 1.5 ac. getting ready for the fall planting. WT Inst. has a special on now for their Winter Greens. Buy 2 and get one free with free shipping. I decided to put a 1/2 ac. of Winter Greens out and see how it does. Plus I tilled in the nice crop of oats and interested how much oats comes up.
Plus I'll plant 1.0 ac. of WT Inst. Forage oats. I had suck great luck with the oats in 2013.
Everything tilled up nice. Really disappointed that the 1/2 ac. of radish, turnips and beets turned in to be 90% grass. But it's damn nice grass. Everything was weed killed down to nothing before tilling up and planting.

The 2 plots of clover are both coming on strong.

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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Checked the food plots at 8:30PM tonight and there was a lone doe feeding in the one clover plot. There was 7 hen turkeys feeding in the other plot but no young one with them when they ran away. Looks like a bad hatch this year.