June 15
Planted the 2 small food plots on the West side of the farm. Planted a perennial and will just frost seed each spring.
Checked on the big food plot I planted May 28th. It coming along just fine with a good crop.
The clover is filling in nice.
Last years forage oats is heading out nice and the seeds are starting to harden somewhat. When it's mature I'll bush hog it down and disk it under and replant forage oats in that 1/2 ac. Then there's a 1.0 ac. plot next to it.
Last years forage oats and clover is looking good. I'll bush hog the oats down when mature. The clover is growing just great.
That will give me 1.0 ac. of clover out of the 3.0 ac. in that food plot beside my hunting woods and hinting tower.
Weather permitting I plan on planting the forage oats about mid August if the rain is correct for planting.
Having fun.
Radish, turnips, beets.
2014 clover after I bush hogged it. I'll keep cutting the weeds tops off so nothing goes to seed. At the top left hand corner you can see the 2014 hunting tower I built.