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Finally '17 Turkey


Ass Regulator
Finally got him picked up and hung....turned out purty good


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Ass Regulator
Looks good Stump! You catch him at the cabin?
I did...he was purty stupid as turkeys go. My gun was actin up, had to load/unload 3 times before I could kill em. He was so pissed at my decoy he did pay attention to the fat guy in the blind dickin around with his shot gun. While he tore up my rubber turkey I got my gun loaded an proceeded to kill his ass.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I did...he was purty stupid as turkeys go. My gun was actin up, had to load/unload 3 times before I could kill em. He was so pissed at my decoy he did pay attention to the fat guy in the blind dickin around with his shot gun. While he tore up my rubber turkey I got my gun loaded an proceeded to kill his ass.
I think we need to hear this story! 😂
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Ass Regulator
Keep in mind this was spring '17 so I'm goin with my best recollection. I do know it was later in the spring because we were able to stay out all day. I was a little slow gettin out and it was mid morning, so I put on my best sneak to the set up, crawled into the blind and let things settle down. Sittin there I realized that I hadn't loaded my shot gun so I slipped a couple shells into the magazine and quiet as I could chambered a round then settled in. I try not to over call so I was giv'n it my best love sick yelps, clucks and purrs bout every 10-15 minutes. After a bit here comes a lonely hen, I'm thinkin dang my callin must attract gay hens, WTF. She was content to hang around for awhile just peckin and cluckin. Bein the smart turkey catcher that I am, I just sit there thinkin she's gonna call a lot better than I could. That said in about 10 minutes here comes another hen, then another. None of them payin much attention to my decoys. Well hell, I'm gettin kinda excited now, thinkin I'm in good shape here and snuggled back into the dark corner of the blind. Short time later here comes the rest of the crew, another couple hens an 3 toms.... This is it, got hens workin their best come hither looks and 3 toms all puffed and struttin! Perfect! I jus gotta pick out the one that's gonna look best hangin on the wall. Two of the three toms looked about the same with the other lookin like he was just there to cut the ugly girls out an sneak off with one of them. Bout that time I made my choice an pulled up on his soon to be dead ass to let him have a load DRT. All I got was a click that sounded to me like bangin two trash can lids together. Wouldn't you know it them turks perked up but didn't bolt....but dang WTF is up with my gun??? So I proceed to as quietly as I can to jack the shells out then slip em back in... Well, this did cause a few of the smarter birds to flee the immediate area with the exception of two hen and one of the targeted toms, who by now was doin a face off with my rubber turkey decoy with the genuine cloth tail feather fan. OK, got another chance to save face and drag his dead carcass back to the cabin... pull up an click again. I'm in a total panic... all of fuggin birds are now gone except the brain dead horn dog tom that's gonna kick my decoy's ass. Damn it... unload/load again, pull up, click. Now what I'm I gonna do??? I had thoughts of climbin out an goin all Alamo on his ass by swingin my gun by the barrel and clubbin the bird like John Wayne on a short Mexican... Then it hits me...dumb ass....you keep easin them shells into the chamber and they aren't seating in properly...Unload/load again, but this time, just let the shell chamber itself like normal, done. Look up outa the blind and there's the world's dumbest turkey spurrin an peckin my decoy....I can't believe it, if this gun don't work this time.....BOOM! Done....dead turkey .... that's the rest of the story.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good job Stump! Catching turkeys against all odds... gotta appreciate a man with those kinda skills!


New Member
Stepped in to tell you, that the gobbler is cool, and I really enjoyed your story, man!
Thanks for sharing! I was laughing outloud when I was reading.
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