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Finally conjured one up...


Staff member
Thanks fellas and I agree, although I'm done, we aren't done. Tracie suggested we camp at the farm this weekend, which I jumped all over. I'm hoping to sneak out midday Wednesday to slap up a ground blind and drop some corn in the Corner Pocket. Get a jump start on gun season and hopefully put a buck in front of K this year. I also plan on hunting public for a doe in hopes K and I can both tag out. And then there's "The Streak". We need #17 in the books! I'm also helping a buddy kill his first ever Ohio buck on the farm, so there's plenty of fun to be had this season!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Great read Jesse! I love seeing that genuine smile and happiness in all your faces. A great buck, a great hunt, great freezer food and great memories!! I am looking forward to seeing K with the same type of success here shortly, it just has that feeling of one of those years.....I hope you can soak up every minute! Gonna be some nice weather to be in the woods & camping this coming weekend up here, hope the same down there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Congrats on a great buck Jesse. I know all the work you've put into that farm and how many times it felt like it just wasn't going to come together. Glad it finally did for you brother.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great read and write up Jesse! What an exciting hunt as well. Didn’t realize you had that much deer activity leading up to your shot. You were definitely in the right place at the right time and made a perfect shot. Congratulations again and GL and have fun enjoying the rest of your season hunting with your girls.
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