Just got home and semi sort of unpacked. As posted previous, long sit Saturday and didn't see shit. Today was looking to be the same damn way. About 10:35 I take down my tri pod, clear my bow with a junk arrow, started packing my shit into my bag, load up my quiver and sit back down. Just then I look up and see legs coming straight towards us about 60 yards out. "Shit here comes a deer". My guide didn't see him. So i quikly reloaded my crossbow, and was fighting with my tri pod to get it set at the correct height. I'm looking at the deer while doing this lol. I see that he's a smaller buck but looked like his left side was growing out of the side of his head. Fuck yes I'm shooting this buck lol. Then my guide said "He's a half rack" told him to look again. He stopped behind a tree, i put my crossbow on the tri pod and waited for him to clear the tree, he hit the corn for about 2 seconds and started to walk away. I stopped him with a "may may", settled my 20 yard pin and let that mother fucker eat. Dude booked it, then stopped. DIDN'T GO 20. Did a little death wobble and dropped.
Took and sent out this picture:
Went to the corn pile and took and sent this pic:
Grr having trouble uploading a specific pic. I'll try it again later.
Anyways, no need to track him. Walked up and this is the entrance:
As you can see he had been in a fight earlier and got his ass whooped. Broke his left side off at the skull.
Here's the exit:
And the obligatory for Dave:
And the hero shot:
Fuck having trouble with that one too. I'm try it again later.
Not the biggest deer and probably would've let him walk if I had been seeing deer all weekend, but he got my pulse racing. When we gutted him, it was a clean heart shot. A great weekend. Thanks for all the congrats guys.