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Finelysheddeds 2012-2013 Bowhunting Log


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Had a great hunt today. After my 3rd and final grunting sequence at 9:25 or there abouts, I looked up a saw a nice buck headed straight towards me from a straight downwind direction at about 50 yards. He was coming fast and steady only stopping a couple seconds looking around. I had around 20 seconds to size him up before he crossed my shooting lane. Got into kill mode and shot him at 25 yards broadside with my arrow tipped with a 100 grain Muzzy broadhead. Got a complete pass thru both lungs and he was on a very short death run. He just toppled over after stopping 30 yards below me. I will post pics and more details tomorrow. I'm a whipped pup right now!

Gonna try and take my daughters hunting the rest of the season with my F-I-L's crossbow out of a ground blind and kill a doe myself. I'll update my stats tomorrow as well.

Goodluck to everyone still hunting!

I accidently skipped my last 2 hour hunt at which I saw my first buck this hunting season. So I will be adding 2 hours and 1 buck sighting to the data plus what I saw yesterday.

Hours hunted: 36.75
Does seen: 21
Bucks seen: 2
fawns or yearlings: 2
bb seen: 1
Yotes seen: 0
Shots taken: 1
Idiots seen: 3
Shot ops 9
coon seen 4
squirrels seen infinite lol
buck killed 1
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just wanted to add this to my journal for data purposes.

Yesterday I left the house at 3:45pm to head to work and noticed that my FIL finally got home. I used his grinder to process my deer so after cleaning it I dropped it off behind his house by his back door and wanted him to know. Just a few minutes after I left we're chatting and he blurts out, Oh my gosh! Then precedes to tell me a absolute monster 10-12 pointer just walked behind his house. He's watching him through his binos from his kitchen window at about 50 yards away. We talked for 15 minutes as this buck is browsing around his son,Tim's treestand. See, Tim has hunted his stand behind his dads place for the past 10 straight days. He was actually in it just about 3.5 hours before this buck shows up. Tim will be there in the morning which is just a few hours from now and I don't blame him.
From his fathers discription of the rack it could be a booner. Luckily, Tim has a TC facing a gap in the fence where most of the deer come through so hopefully the buck got his picture taken during this time.
This is why I kept telling him to stay in that stand all day everyday, cuz you never know when monster buck will show up!

I saw a nice 8-10 pt. courting a doe in our subdivision just as I neared our driveway. He was tight,tall and heavy and very symmetrical but not the big one. Tim's lucky day might be TODAY! I'll keep y'all posted!
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Climbed up into one of my stands around 4 o'clock this evening. Haven't been in a stand since Halloween and it feels great. All I have with me is a video recorder,iPhone and a grunt tube. At 4:30 I had a heavy racked buck come within 60 yards of me and hit a scrape. Fuggar turned right around and headed away from me and crossed the creek. I tried grunting and snort wheezing at him and he stopped about 100 yards away but wouldn't commit. It was either Bonehead or the 7x5 I got on scrape cam. Got some footage but its not the greatest because of the brush. Fugg


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sure buddy! Your doing what you can do Mike. Hunt hard and hunt every chance you can. A great buddy(Stacey who helped Ron track his deer) once drove 30 miles to hunt a certain buck for the last 30 minutes of daylight. It took him 2 weeks, but he got that old slob eventually. That really stuck with me and impressed me. He called that buck, "the 30/30 buck".lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I watched my video footage and the buck was the real nice half rack I got over that scrape a month ago or so. Dang he looked nice, his spread was amazing!rotflmao
Great season so far Ric. I spent way to much time in the woods to keep up with everyone. I just realized this morning that you and your brother killed bucks already. I'm off to find your thread on the buck you took. I saw the photo of him on a different thread this morning. What a stud, congrats.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great season so far Ric. I spent way to much time in the woods to keep up with everyone. I just realized this morning that you and your brother killed bucks already. I'm off to find your thread on the buck you took. I saw the photo of him on a different thread this morning. What a stud, congrats.

Thanks Dick! Yeah, I've lost track on several deerz being killed this season as they were rolling in so fast I couldn't keep track of them or remember which I had already read about or missed! Lol

I am really blessed and lucky that's for sure!