Good stuff man & welcome to TOO! I love following these trapping threads, it's some cool stuff for sure.
Thanks Badger, I've been on this forum for awhile. I just mainly read and don't post much. I'm glad you guys are helping my son with trapping. I don't trap much anymore but it is a dying breed around here and a much needed skill to keep predator numbers in check.
Welcome too the site, I enjoy your sons posts, kudos too a job well done raising him.... :smiley_coolpeace:
The sardines worked! Whatever was stealing the marshmallows didn't like sardines. But this guy did.
View attachment 11933
Thanks for all the kind words!
The marshmallows were gone again. I'll get some sardines tomorrow and try that.
We also tried a dirt hole set out behind my dads. Lots of coyote tracks out there. We'll see what that brings tomorrow.