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Flextone ?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Has anybody tried one ? Have any luck out of it ?

I found a cool link and now deciding if I should try it or not.


The main site where I found the link was at.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
IMO the flextone calls sound pretty good. I do not own one myself, though, because I have no reason to get rid of my MAD Buck Growl. I believe the hype about bucks growling and "roaring" is somewhat BS, but IMO the Buck Growl is one of the best sounding grunt calls on the market. If you're looking for a new grunt call, you can't go wrong with the flextone though. It gives you many different tones to work with. If you can do grunt "clicks" with it easily, it's a keeper. Tending grunts and clicks are deadly during the rut.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
IMO the flextone calls sound pretty good. I do not own one myself, though, because I have no reason to get rid of my MAD Buck Growl. I believe the hype about bucks growling and "roaring" is somewhat BS, but IMO the Buck Growl is one of the best sounding grunt calls on the market. If you're looking for a new grunt call, you can't go wrong with the flextone though. It gives you many different tones to work with. If you can do grunt "clicks" with it easily, it's a keeper. Tending grunts and clicks are deadly during the rut.

I figure with the clicks and tending grunt and add in the snort wheeze...it would be a deadly trio of sounds all in one call. I haven't upgraded my gunt tube in years so, I was wanting to find something newer and stumbled on this one. I guess for $20 I could try it and see right lol.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I had never heard a buck click until last year. I passed up a funky racked 3.5 last year that stood at the base of my ladder and clicked for over two minutes. Sounded pretty cool. I have the MAD Growler and a Primos can. I may try a Flextone out, but I have trouble buying anything Bone Collector. I like Michael Waddell, but he's the leader of the pack when it comes to pimping and that irritates me a little...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I had never heard a buck click until last year. I passed up a funky racked 3.5 last year that stood at the base of my ladder and clicked for over two minutes. Sounded pretty cool. I have the MAD Growler and a Primos can. I may try a Flextone out, but I have trouble buying anything Bone Collector. I like Michael Waddell, but he's the leader of the pack when it comes to pimping and that irritates me a little...

I picked up a Primos can the other day at wally world...going to give that a try this year :D

I know what you mean about the BONE COLLECTOR overkill. If I could find the same call without them on it (would be a cheaper price) I would pick one up to try it out lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Has anyone here ever actually heard a snort wheeze in the wilds? I have never been overly concerned with the snort wheeze myself. Maybe I am leaving out a necessary tool?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Has anyone here ever actually heard a snort wheeze in the wilds? I have never been overly concerned with the snort wheeze myself. Maybe I am leaving out a necessary tool?

Never heard the Snort Wheeze myself...always just a SNORT followed by a stomp and a deer running like the wind lol. I have heard the clicking and the tending grunts though. I'm not sure if it is editing on the hunting shows but it seems on them that the snort wheeze works..but like I said..they could get anything to work in editing rooms :D.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Has anyone here ever actually heard a snort wheeze in the wilds? I have never been overly concerned with the snort wheeze myself. Maybe I am leaving out a necessary tool?

I have, but not by a dominant buck. I've heard a couple of small bucks attempt it the past couple of years. Kinda funny really. The same buck I saw clicking, tried it and he was blowing snot all over the place. I was literally LOLing in my stand with him 2 yards away! :D


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Has anyone here ever actually heard a snort wheeze in the wilds? I have never been overly concerned with the snort wheeze myself. Maybe I am leaving out a necessary tool?

Last year was the first time.. I was sitting in my stand and was in a bowl where two long ridges forked off. I was facing the top of the bowl. This wasn't my original spot. I had been further down ontop of one of the ridges. But as soon as i got my mobile stand hung the neighbor boy came up the hill on a quad.. I ran him off and moved to the bowl.

As i was sitting there i could hear a deer back behind me down towards the bottom.. I kept hearing it but couldn't see it.. Finally i caught gimps of a rack.. Small basket 8 was standing in a ditch drinking water. He walked slowly up the ditch. I lost sight of him after about 10 min. Figured he slipped out.

About an hour later i could hear him again. He was in the exact same spot. He must have bedded in that ditch.. Anyway he goes slowly up the ditch to the top... He hops out of the ditch and sneaks slowly over the top..

I was laughing at the sneaky little bugger using the ditch as cover in the big woods.. Smart little booger he knows season is open...

About that time that basket 8 came off the top of that ridge like his ass was on fire. I mean HAULING. Making 20 foot bounds... He gets almost to the bottom of the hollow and jumps off in another ditch and sprawls flat out like Bamby on ice.. Laying there, legs out flat, PANTING......

Then I see why... Off the hill comes about a 180 class heavy mass Buck.. I mean a pure SLOB... He comes halfway down the ridge all stiff just pounding every step... Stops on a small logging rd before he gets to the small ditch the 8 used to sneak up. About 85 yards away from me...

Stomping, shaking his head, beating the brush.. He went over to a little tree about the size of a broom handle to rub it.... Shakes his head once and just busts it off. Then looks at the broke tree head cocked to the side like.. YEAH FUGGER TAKE THAT.. He started to make a scrape and i grunted at him.. He spun around and FFfT FFFT FFFFFFFFF.. Then he did it again FFT FFT FFFFFFFFFFF... Stomping around.. I was set... This fugger is taking a ride in the truck... I threw one back athim FFFT FFFFT FFFFFFFFF. He instantly did it back...

Guess what......... He stood over there for 20 minutes all pissed off but would NOT cross that ditch. He would stomp up and down it back and forth, But wouldn't cross it... It wasn't anything really. I can cross it with 2-3 jumps. He could have cleared the whole thing..

I threw everything at that deer after a while but he was hung like a big dumb boss tom... He eventually lost interest and went stomping back up the hill... Scrub buck still proned out in the ditch 200 more yards down hill...

Ready for the kick in the nuts...He would be on the wall If i would have stayed where i hung the stand when i ran the kid on the quad off. I ran that kid off maybe 2 hours before... And that buck was on that ridge i guarantee you the whole time... He just held tight, i'm sure of it...

I got a hell of a show though. He did about 7-8 snort weezes, grunting, stiff legging, made a scrape and busting up trees.

Nobody shot him last year.... Went out to that ridge last weekend to scout and there was a small fresh scrape where he had one of 30 last year.. This buck last year had 2 scrapes as big as my truck hood over there.... I'm hoping the mobility of my sticks and stand will allow me to get in on him tight.. Sneak in on him tight and dump his ass..

Btw that Flextone Snort Wheeze sounded just right to what he did. Except he did it shitloads louder.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Has anyone here ever actually heard a snort wheeze in the wilds? I have never been overly concerned with the snort wheeze myself. Maybe I am leaving out a necessary tool?

I have more than once...

Yep my wife did too. We were out walking to pull camera cards around Halloween and we were on one side of the food plot that is surrounded be a bit of woods. She was giving me crap for bringing my calls so I started snort wheezing. She laughed then we heard a LOUD grunt. We squated and I hit a shed on a tree and started rubbing it hard. He started busting up a tree. He was only 50 yards away directly across the plot. It ended being a big pissing contest. He would never come into the plot. It actually scared the shit out of her. He was making all kinds of racket.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had never heard a buck click until last year. I passed up a funky racked 3.5 last year that stood at the base of my ladder and clicked for over two minutes. Sounded pretty cool. I have the MAD Growler and a Primos can. I may try a Flextone out, but I have trouble buying anything Bone Collector. I like Michael Waddell, but he's the leader of the pack when it comes to pimping and that irritates me a little...

My thoughts exactly. After finally watching that video, it seems to me like the Buck Collector would be a nice call... since it can basically do everything. I honestly don't like having that damn Primos can bouncing around in my pack. There has been more than one occasion where a surprise estrous bleat leaked out of my pack when I moved just right LOL. But damn does that Bone Collector shit annoy the hell out of me... everywhere you look, it's Bone Collector this, Bone Collector that... fuggin ridiculous if you ask me.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
My thoughts exactly. After finally watching that video, it seems to me like the Buck Collector would be a nice call... since it can basically do everything. I honestly don't like having that damn Primos can bouncing around in my pack. There has been more than one occasion where a surprise estrous bleat leaked out of my pack when I moved just right LOL. But damn does that Bone Collector shit annoy the hell out of me... everywhere you look, it's Bone Collector this, Bone Collector that... fuggin ridiculous if you ask me.

I bought it. Nice call. It'll replace two things with one. Fuggin' Michael made is dollar of me today. :(


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That would be awesome, I would love to seea big buck just tearing it up letting everything around know whos boss around there. Very COOL

It was cool... But to be honest. I think the reason he didn't come across that ditch and whip the other snort wheezing bucks ass is he wasn't the king of the hill... So he opted for a show of aggression. The dominate buck would have rolled in there like a bad ass looking for a fight. Not hung back acting tuff and running his mouth. Or he could have thought it was that basket 8 talking crap and it wasn't worth chasing him down to whip him. I don't know.. It was a sight to behold...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I really like my MAD duel chamber grunt call. sounds darn good, and you can get several different tones out of it. I have used the bleat can in the past, but I hate the inconsistency in the sound it puts out. I think this year, I'm gonna buy a bleat call.

The flextone call seems nice, but I'll stick with what I got...