The Pond Stand
The stand I hunted on Sunday evening and Monday morning is one of the sets I hung earlier this year. This stand is situated 30y N of the edge of a horse pasture. The stand is virtually surrounded in bedding, which makes it an ideal spot. It is easy to slip into, and is fairly open where I'm at. There are also a few oaks that are scattered across the hillside! And there is a pond to my SW about 150y. I wanted to get in and hunt this stand once in the morning and evening to get an idea of where the deer are coming from and going to.
This stand is on the farm where BT amd cuz were this summer. There has not been a camera run here since August.
Here is a view N
10/21/2012, Evening, 2h, 67F, Pond Stand
I decided to go in and hunt this stand in the evening first, as I needed to find a good way to cross the field to get to it. The field is spotted with tall weeds, and I didn't wanna try to find my way through there in the dark. I managed to slip into the stand without creating much of a disturbance.
Around 5:30, I hear deer to my SE. I take a look over my shoulder and see two fawns and a doe 30y out, working my direction. I stand up and grab my bow, situating myself if a shot presented itself, but as it turns out, the doe never gave me a chance. She hopped the fence and cut the corner, while her two youngins worked the inside edge of the field past me. They milled around behind me at 20y for a good while, but being in my Millennium, the seat is TOO wide to allow for a shot behind. Finally, their bellies were satisfied, and they headed towards the direction of the pond.
I didn't see another deer that evening, but 15 minutes after sunset, I heard a buck grunt behind me in the direction that the three deer disappeared off to. It was a deep, loud RAAP, and the that was it. I stood there until well after dark! But never heard him move, and never saw him. I can guarantee it was a good buck though
10/22/2012, Morning, 4h, 37F, Pond Stand
Went back in the next morning to hunt this set, then pull my stand. L have sticks set up with receivers in several different places, so I just carry my Millennium in with me when I go to hunt. That way if my stuff gets stolen, I'm only out a set of sticks and maybe a receiver.
As I approached the edge of the field, I heard a deer bust out of the brush and take off crashing down the hillside. I knew it couldn't see me, and only heard me, so I let out a howl, as coyotes are prevalent on this farm.
Shortly after I got situated in my stand, I heard crunching behind me, and then heard a bleat; it was the button buck from last night. He circled around me, investigating the trail I walked in on, then disappeared off in the direction I heard momma go. Five minutes later, I look out ahead and see the doe fawn. She works through to my W then back behind me, and started sniffing the trail I came in on also.
I had made it a point to step in every pile of horse crap I came upon on my way into the stand. Just before I got to the field edge, I smeared some Evercalm on my boots. The fawn continued to investigate my trail! When I heard a twig snap behind me. Peaking out around the tree, I saw the doe and her bb had returned. The doe cautiously worked here way to the fawn, looking my way a time or two, but not busting me. As she stepped behind a large tree, I put myself into position to draw. I only had one shooting lane back there, more like a small hole. She stopped in behind her fawn, right in the middle of my lane. I waited forever for her to give me a chance to draw. Finally, she turned her head away. The fawn was looking right at me, but I knew they were most likely gonna bust me soon, so I went ahead and drew. The fawn took three quick steps backwards as I settled my pin in behind the doe's shoulder. I squeezed the shot off and watched the arrow disappear through her right where my pin had been. She mule kicked and took off on a death run, but did not make it far. As she jumped the fence and came down, I heard s gurgle and she began to stagger sideways and fall. That was it, she was done.
I can't even begin to tell you guys just how excited I was. I was fist pumping and celebrating in my stand. It felt great to finally get out of the slump I had put myself in. Finally, I sat down to calm my nerves and fill my tag out. I decided since it was still cool, I would sit tight for a while and see if anything else came through. At 8:30, I watched two does feed across the hillside above me to my E, and the disappear out of sight. Around 9:30, I decided to climb down and move my stand. There was a tree close that I felt gave me a better shot to the stuff behind me, plus it offered better cover.
I had already lowered my gear down and the stand, and was removing the straps from the sticks as quietly as I possibly could. I got down to the 10 ft level, and I could smell him; there was a buck nearby (Ric, remember our conversation around the campfire). I started scanning the upwind side of the tree and saw a white chest. There was a spike working a scrape not 20y from me. I watched as he worked his way past me, and towards the scene of the crime. He got to where I had shot her and locked up. He started sniffing, then looked ahead. He saw her laying there, and decided he better get the hell outta dodge. I finished moving my stand, then headed for where she was when I shot. This is what I came upon.
I looked to my left, and there she lay, not 20y from me.
When I walked up in her, she was laying across the fence. Her head was on land I had permission on, and her rump, the neighbors. Would it be considered trespassing to retrieve my deer? LOL
It sure felt good to connect with a deer again after a two years. I think Kody and Ryan gave me some good karma!