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Food, what are you eating?


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
This is a touchy subject and a hot topic in politics right now. Almost a year ago I change my lifestyle by what I was eating. I was on medication for high cholesterol and fixing to start medication for diabetes. I slowly gave up carbs and sugar. Started eating more animal based foods. Over time I have quit drinking alcohol as well. Basically on a animal based diet now with also eating fruits and vegetables that are in season and locally grown.

I was 231 pounds mid November last year and full of physical pain. Today I'm 158 with ZERO pain. Pains that I have had since a teenager are gone. I also do some fasting that I think has helped me a ton. Running all my labs and what not this week, my doctor, my wife and I have thrown all that medication away. I no longer need it.

Your highly processed foods are killing you and your loved ones. I'm both feet in on this run that RFK Jr and Trump are making towards making America healthy again. I'm dedicated enough that if you have something negative to say, I will likely just delete the thread. I'm perfectly fine with questions and such. But if you think I'm an idiot for these thoughts, I suggest ignoring this thread.

I'm currently at work but I will share more when I get a chance. I was motivated by some other members and a text to bring this up, so I did. It's a start. Ask away, add what you know, add links supporting or discrediting these thoughts. Let's go folks, let's talk about this!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
That pic of Hunter really stuck with you didn't it. I remember his response was it's amazing what exercise and eating right will do for you. Same boat giving up shit food and done giving the 7-11 my money for beer. Been doing a lot of walking also. I really think you can fit in that coyote den now lol. No seriously great job!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
That pic of Hunter really stuck with you didn't it. I remember his response was it's amazing what exercise and eating right will do for you. Same boat giving up shit food and done giving the 7-11 my money for beer. Been doing a lot of walking also. I really think you can fit in that coyote den now lol. No seriously great job!
I think I actually started before he did. I'm not sure what his eating habits consist of now. I haven't even talked to him about it honestly. I've heard enough shit from family that I don't even like talking about it. But the truth is, it is working and I feel great. The worst part of it is the brainwashed ones that just can't understand it. 90% of what is in the grocery stores isn't food at all. Start eating like your grandparents did!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A few weeks into “clean eating” now myself and so far it’s paying dividends. I’m down about 15 pounds. Mental clarity is very good. And my typical bloated feeling has basically vanished.

Just ordered some lard, grass-fed beef tallow, and a bag of Celtic salt. Full speed ahead!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
A few weeks into “clean eating” now myself and so far it’s paying dividends. I’m down about 15 pounds. Mental clarity is very good. And my typical bloated feeling has basically vanished.

Just ordered some lard, grass-fed beef tallow, and a bag of Celtic salt. Full speed ahead!
Great job JB! The grass fed butter from costco is amazing. If you have that option. I'm guessing you don't have one real close.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
After 3 weeks of hovering around 222, I decided to shake things up. Remi Warren and Tim Burnett who have the TV show Solo Hunter, are in with a group called MTN OPS who make supplements for "the wilderness athlete". They have a product called Renu which is a 30-day detox and another called Blaze that promotes fat burning, energy, metabolism and mental focus. Everything is American made and natural ingredients. Combined with my normal supplement routine, I thought these two made a great addition.

I also started getting up an hour earlier so I could have a nice breakfast and start making "bullet proof coffee". If you haven't heard of this, you should check it out. Single source coffee, MCT oil and grass fed butter. It tastes great and has a ton of benefits. MCT is a metabolism booster, full of healthy fats and provides cognitive benefits. Many people are now stating that butter made from grass fed cows is a "super food". Because I've been a bit obsessed in my research lately, I believe the science behind everything I'm doing right now.

That said, my energy levels are through the roof right now. It's not a twitchy, nervous energy, but a steady, consistent energy that lasts all day. I feel like I'm working with a battery that's 95% charged all day. I'm sleeping better than ever. Mentally I'm clear and concise in a way I rarely felt before these past two weeks. I feel like my brain is truly running as optimally as it ever has, maybe more so than at any point in my life. And... I'm down 5 pounds to 218. I feel like I broke the plateau finally! With good weather hopefully here to stay, I can start getting out to run which will help keep things moving.

If you're not feeling good and want to make changes, do it! I'm a different person than I was a year ago and it's f'n amazing!

Some good info from a few yrs ago. Take care of yourself fellas, consistency is key!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

Plenty of old stuff out there to find also. This isn't new news, it just has people's attention right now so I'm wanting to talk about it. I have benefited from it twice now in my life. Ease of eating took over for me when I returned back to work about 10 years ago.


Portage Co.
I also changed my diet about 6 months ago. Went from 235 to 185. Food industry has lied to us for 100 years. Crisco & vegetable oils, margarines, all crap. I just bought 4 quarts of lard from a local farm today. I was running low. I was making my own lard but found this farm & it's almost the same price as me buying the pig fat.. We use either Kerrygold or Westgold butter. Also use grass fed ghee. I eat 3 fried eggs fried in lard & ghee every day. I eat a lot of fruit to replace sugar snacks & try to eat as much vegetables as I can. I found this guy on youtube, he has lots of videos.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I also changed my diet about 6 months ago. Went from 235 to 185. Food industry has lied to us for 100 years. Crisco & vegetable oils, margarines, all crap. I just bought 4 quarts of lard from a local farm today. I was running low. I was making my own lard but found this farm & it's almost the same price as me buying the pig fat.. We use either Kerrygold or Westgold butter. Also use grass fed ghee. I eat 3 fried eggs fried in lard & ghee every day. I eat a lot of fruit to replace sugar snacks & try to eat as much vegetables as I can. I found this guy on youtube, he has lots of videos.
Love it! How do you physically feel? I've noticed that by skipping out on vegetables (mostly), that my inflammation has gone away.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Love it! How do you physically feel? I've noticed that by skipping out on vegetables (mostly), that my inflammation has gone away.
I started it because of the inflammation. Feeling like shit with a lot of pain and gimpyness.
Down 15 lbs and inflammation mostly gone. Wake up feeling good.
I still cheat and drink some beer now and then 🍺👍🏼


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I started it because of the inflammation. Feeling like shit with a lot of pain and gimpyness.
Down 15 lbs and inflammation mostly gone. Wake up feeling good.
I still cheat and drink some beer now and then 🍺👍🏼
I'd say every person has a different tolerance for what they can handle. I think we all know that I have drank enough beer for a couple of lifetimes, lol. Giving that up wasn't near as bad as giving up the energy drinks after drinking them daily for 15+ years. That SUCKED!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
First week sucked ass! It’s not fun, nor for the feint of heart.
But once you get into a groove, it gets better. Your energy level will tank, and until you body gets used to it, you’ll need some supplements to help get over the hump.
I’ve reached out to some folks on here and have gained a lot of useful information.
There’s lots of help out there just ask.


Active Member
Athens County
For me, my biggest hurdle is time. To eat fresh, you have to go to the store frequently. Then there is prep time. I’m glad you brought this up because something HAS to change. I’ve never weighed 200 lbs before in my life. I’m eating like shit. I am looking into those deals where they ship the food to you….hungry root is one. .???


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great job JB! The grass fed butter from costco is amazing. If you have that option. I'm guessing you don't have one real close.
I don’t. But maybe Sam’s club instead? I don’t know. I’m a Kerrygold fan so that’s my normal go-to.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
For me, my biggest hurdle is time. To eat fresh, you have to go to the store frequently. Then there is prep time. I’m glad you brought this up because something HAS to change. I’ve never weighed 200 lbs before in my life. I’m eating like shit. I am looking into those deals where they ship the food to you….hungry root is one. .???
You will be surprised how much less food you eat when it is quality protein


Portage Co.
Love it! How do you physically feel? I've noticed that by skipping out on vegetables (mostly), that my inflammation has gone away.
I feel great! I have more energy than I know what to do with. I'm 67, I quit drinking a couple years ago when I retired. I was still overweight because I replaced the beer with sprite. My doctor said I should take a statin because my cholesterol was going up. I quit the pop & my changed my diet & my numbers have come down with every blood test. My clarity of thought & memory has also improved. I get up every morning & go walk the woods.