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Found today about 30’ from my house

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Messing around today and 30’ from the house and about 15’ off
in the tall grass I see an antler and think hey a shed, I get closer and damn if it ain’t a whole deer head. I don’t think it is the deer I shot at 2 weeks ago but hell who knows. Would have been a nice one in a year or two


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This reminds me years back when I still had my GSP. I let him outside one December evening as the day was ending. Just a few short minutes later I looked out & saw him trotting back & forth holding onto a nice full rack & skull. I couldnt believe my luck, but knew it belonged to one of my neighbors, which it did. Years later, I'd still see that when I was over visiting at times & it had gone to hell. It was a shame. I think i was more amazed at the distance he traveled & back in such a short time...lol