I never thought of too much pressure from a 25 lb. tank.
No hunting today. I over did it yesterday with hunting the morning and moving my cattle in the afternoon. I had to repair 6 months of deer damage to the fence, move the cattle, move the water, and move the electric. Everything went well but just a lot of on the feet and stooping.
I have MS related muscle spasms mainly in my legs and they went crazy on me last night. Still having problems this morning. I can't take a chance of leaving the house and have the spasms in my legs take over and I end up on the ground and unable to get back home. Hopefully a day of rest and heat on my legs will solve the problem. It is what it is and I just take what I get and hope for the best.
The only good thing is I only had a 50% bad attack and not a full blown attack with pulled or torn muscles.