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Full bore and Finelyshedded Shed thread of 2014


Senior Member
They were about 175-200 yards apart T. He found his in the picked cornfield on a rim of a big depression and I found mine on the edge of a south facing slope near the end of a point.

Amazes me how sometimes they will fall off together and other times they will fall several hundred yards apart. I've seen videos of bucks shedding one antler and then beating the other off the ground trying to lose the other.
Great finds this weekend!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I agree T! One guy back home told me a few years ago that his son was hunting a 150+ inch buck on Christmas Eve about 10 years ago and he passed him as he came in under his tree because he had already lost one side. That buck carried the other side for nearly 3 more months!!! Friggin crazy how they cast sheds sometimes!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here are two TC pics of this buck. We're still working on a name though. Mr Clean would definitely fit...

We figured giving him only a 15" inside spread he would gross 137 and change. He would have netted 135+ easily. He should be a dandy nice buck next year....we hope.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice job, Ric! I may take a little walk over at Bill's in the morning to see if that biggen dropped his since we were there. Then again, as Mason said, they are easier to find when the deer is wearing them. :)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck over at Bills Brock! If there'll be any horns on the ground I couldn't think of any better place!!! I'd concentrate over where we first started around them two ponds and the CRP! That is sheddy as heck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Nice finds Ric...love the matched set! Awesome

I haven't been out in over a week...too much other stuff to do...maybe slip out tonight for an hour while my daughter has practice.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I found 19-20 today after work. They were picked up on our own farm. My second matched set this year and they were a foot apart. I call those 2fers. Those are pretty dang sweet! We will post an ATL pic soon.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm about done shed hunting. Not much luck finding them in and around my hunting areas. Figured it would be a very down year due to lack of both deer sightings and buck sightings. I did get some much needed exercise but it was very frustrating not finding much. I might get out a few more times but if I find anymore it will most likely happen while I'm turkey hunting.

The last time I was out last week I did find #12 and possibly #13 but it looked like a bomb blew them to pieces! Damn shame the farmers brush hog found them before me cuz they appeared to be laying next to each other and pretty nice size as well. Oh well....here is a pic how I found them.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ron found his second complete set this past week himself. They aren't big but were in nice shape and close together. He found them on our farm which was pretty cool TOO.