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Full moon


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I like it cause I can see better, I have yet to be busted going to the stand in the morning by it. When the snow is on the ground and a full moon is out you can see for days. Its pretty nice.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I like it cause I can see better, I have yet to be busted going to the stand in the morning by it. When the snow is on the ground and a full moon is out you can see for days. Its pretty nice.

Those nights i yote hunt all night. You only get 2-3 full moon snow on the ground nights a year. No light needed.. I LOVE hunting those nights.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree about yote hunting. With a real good scope, you are sitting in a perfect situation. Deer? Seems they move a little more if the moon is up early and sets late. Seems like they are out a bit earlier or to bed a little later. Then again, just my observations. Not much scientific going on in this opinion.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Full moon in the winter w/ snow is great!

last night however had the deer out and moving all night so they slept in and did not come by the stand this morning...Bummer. I had something for em too.
The full moon weeks suck! It causes the deer to move later in the evening, IF they move at all. The deer know the moon will be out later, so the just wait until it's out and then come out to "play".

Going in to a stand in the morning, during a full moon, just plain ole sucks. The deer can see you way before you can see them, then they snort and leave the area. It's better to just go in late...as in an hour or two after legal time and sit until 2:00 p.m. or so. The only way this changes is if it's cloudy.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57