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FYI Future Felons


Junior Member
Lake County
It’s nonsense anyway. The man can suck it. What I do is my business just like what I own is my business.

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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Here’s what happened. BFA was trying to get legislation passed at the end of the year. Asshole Kasich was siding with the Democrats against this legislation, they had over ride Kasich veto. Some compromises were made in the middle of a rewrite and the line that would make make Ohio law conform with ATF regs (and Make Mosserg Shockwaves legal) was put in the wrong place.

I have a real problem with the way OGO is behaving. It appears they are using this mistake to tear down the BFA. Yes it’s screw up but BFA is working to fix it. What is OGO doing other then trying to get people pissed off at BFA. I’ve seen some statements implying the BFA intentionally did this as a backdoor way to ban ARs. How moronic😡 Where was OGO when the legislation was being written? We need pro-gun groups to work together not try to tear each other down for the gain of your own organization.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Here’s what happened. BFA was trying to get legislation passed at the end of the year. Asshole Kasich was siding with the Democrats against this legislation, they had over ride Kasich veto. Some compromises were made in the middle of a rewrite and the line that would make make Ohio law conform with ATF regs (and Make Mosserg Shockwaves legal) was put in the wrong place.

I have a real problem with the way OGO is behaving. It appears they are using this mistake to tear down the BFA. Yes it’s screw up but BFA is working to fix it. What is OGO doing other then trying to get people pissed off at BFA. I’ve seen some statements implying the BFA intentionally did this as a backdoor way to ban ARs. How moronic😡 Where was OGO when the legislation was being written? We need pro-gun groups to work together not try to tear each other down for the gain of your own organization.
Agree they should all be working together on the fix instead of trying to push blame around. I just wanted to bring it up here for those that may not have known what was happening. Awareness, mailing, or calling reps with an easy link doesn't hurt.

Hopefully this gets fixed but now it's going to need another law voted on. That might take a little more doing now.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Here’s what happened. BFA was trying to get legislation passed at the end of the year. Asshole Kasich was siding with the Democrats against this legislation, they had over ride Kasich veto. Some compromises were made in the middle of a rewrite and the line that would make make Ohio law conform with ATF regs (and Make Mosserg Shockwaves legal) was put in the wrong place.

I have a real problem with the way OGO is behaving. It appears they are using this mistake to tear down the BFA. Yes it’s screw up but BFA is working to fix it. What is OGO doing other then trying to get people pissed off at BFA. I’ve seen some statements implying the BFA intentionally did this as a backdoor way to ban ARs. How moronic😡 Where was OGO when the legislation was being written? We need pro-gun groups to work together not try to tear each other down for the gain of your own organization.

Here is a good discussion on Reddit about BFA vs OGO.

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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I see much of the same between the NRA and GOA. I pretty much take “shall not be infringed” very literally but am pragmatic enough to know that perfect is the enemy of good. Would I prefer the NRA and BFA be able to never compromise? Yes. But in the real world that’s not possible. The NRA is THE reason we have as many 2A Rights as we do. The important thing is for people join and support both financially and being active by voting, writing letters to politicians etc a 2A organization.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
From BFA
Senate Bill 53 seeks to correct the drafting error made by the Legislative Services Commission in the final version of HB 228, which passed in late 2018. A hearing is taking place today in the Government Oversight & Reform Committee. BFA is testifying in support of SB 53.

The bill includes an emergency clause, which means that it will become effective immediately upon signing by the Governor rather than after the usual 90 days.

A companion bill will be introduced in the House in short order. A hearing will take place on this bill, which is currently scheduled for Wednesday.

From OGO
During yesterday's sponsor testimony on Senator Kristina Roegner's SB53, the chairman of the Government Oversight Committee stated that it was likely to get voted out next week.

And this morning at 11:30, the House Federalism Committee will hear sponsor testimony on HB86, which is being offered by newly-elected Representative Phil Plummer.

This legislation is a House version to fix HB228's disaster, and while we haven't seen final draft language on this bill yet, there are many rumors floating around that it will likely be amended to include the emergency clause language included in SB53!
A place to email your legislators
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Junior Member
What a joke. I have an AR made during the "assault weapon ban" under Clinton. It has a welded up muzzle break and the bayonet lug is shaved off. I feel soooo much safer with this rifle than one of those real assault weapons.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The Ohio House of Representatives passed its first bill of the 133rd General Assembly on Wednesday, legislation correcting what Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) called a “clerical error” in the enacted version of 132-HB228 (Johnson) which had led to questions whether it would make certain firearms illegal by mistake once effective on Thursday, March 28. (See The Hannah Report, 2/20/19.)
Householder further said that they were “cleaning up a broken egg” from lame-duck session and that he appreciated Democratic votes in support, saying it was an effort to fix the error rather than debating the merits of the bill.
Rep. Phil Plummer (R-Dayton) sponsored HB86, correcting the language on “dangerous ordnance” that resulted from 132-HB228 and declaring an emergency. The emergency clause passed by a vote of 73-23, with the bill in turn receiving a 76-20 vote. The Ohio Senate passed companion emergency legislation in SB53 (Roegner) Tuesday by a 24-8 vote for that bill and its emergency clause. (See The Hannah Report, 2/26/19.)
Plummer, a former sheriff, said that if the language was not changed it could potentially make certain hunters and gun collectors into criminals, despite that not being the intent of the original bill, and that shotguns and rifles did not belong under the “dangerous ordnance” category he said was used for automatic firearms, “sawed-off” firearms, explosives and rocket launchers.
Democratic members raised concerns over the speed the bill was moving – it was referred out of the House Federalism Committee in its first hearing – particularly given that it was meant to correct an earlier drafting mistake made during the 2018 lame duck session on a bill enacted after former Gov. John Kasich’s veto was overridden. (See The Hannah Report, 12/27/18.)
Rep. Adam Miller (D-Columbus) thanked the members of the House Federalism Committee and Chair John Becker (R-Cincinnati) in particular for their “civility” on a divisive topic, but said he thought the bill should have received witness testimony.
Miller, a U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate General’s Corps officer, specifically said he would have liked to hear from the Ohio National Guard as some of the Ohio Code of Military Justice is “tied” to sections of the Ohio Revised Code affected by the bill.
The speed of the process for the bill was also concern, he said, due to misspellings and other issues in it at first. He said it needed to be “absolutely correct,” and recommended a no vote.
Rep. Joe Miller (D-Amherst) said that while he supported the bill because it would correct a mistake made “in the fog of the night,” also cited the circumstance to compare it to the creation of the academic distress commissions under 131-HB70 (Driehaus-Brenner), including one overseeing Lorain City School District. He said those were also the result of last-minute changes without public input. He requested the members consider what had made HB86 necessary and apply the same urgency to other issues such as the distress commissions.
Rep. Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati) said that they were meeting in a “hasty process to correct the mistakes made by another hasty process” and also said there are other issues, such as school funding, that should receive similar urgency.
Householder fielded questions from reporters after session on the proposed 18 cent motor fuel tax increase in Gov. Mike DeWine’s transportation and public safety budget, saying committee discussions are ongoing, with potential amendments forthcoming, so the “cake isn’t baked yet.”
There is “no question” there’s a revenue hole, though, he added, and the House hasn’t discussed offsetting the increase with an income tax cut as floated by Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina). (See The Hannah Report, 2/26/19.) Householder also said there’s a “long-standing history” of using the motor fuel tax revenue for roads and bridges, as required in the Ohio Constitution, and so he thought the proper place for an increase was in the transportation budget rather than making it part of the operating budget.
Asked about calls for an increase in public transit spending, Householder said that is a subject for ongoing negotiations and recommended a single proposed increase be brought to him rather than multiple differing requests.

Story originally published in The Hannah Report on February 27, 2019. Copyright 2019 Hannah News Service, Inc.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I wonder if we can create sanctuary cities for all of us labeled felons?
Surely it would work for all of us, right?