I've had a theory for a while that it's related to the great social experiment. The melting pot. Nobody is melting anymore. Countries like Japan, Korea, Russia have a strong national identity and sense of partnership because they have thousands of years of history and they all look the same. They are all countrymen. There is nothing else they can be. In America, we are a massive collection of immigrants. And for a while, that worked because everyone shared the same vision. A country full of freedom and opportunity. However, our greatest weakness was the potential for division. Once we lose a shared common vision for the nation we have nothing left to bind us together. Politicians and social interest groups realized this and have pitted everyone against each other. Women against men, Democrats against Republicans, straights and gays against each other, blacks against whites, everyone against Christians and the list goes on. There is division at every turn. We've even created more genders to introduce more division. White conservative evangelical males seem to bear the brunt of this in most narratives. As a result, I think people have shied away from social exposure. If someone feels persecuted at every turn and they don't know who is who, then odds are they aren't going to put themselves out there to meet new people. It's easier and safer to keep to themselves and talk with the few trusted people they know. They often default to social media groups for social interaction. It's a place full of likeminded individuals where they can share a common interest and feel a part of something. Take TOO for instance. The sense of community within everyone is not dead. It is simply hidden and changed from the neighborhood to online groups of similar individuals. And in today's world that isn't even safe anymore because of cancel culture. Groups targeting groups and trying to destroy their real life livelihoods over a simple matter of opinion. We've lost the fabric of society due to perceived division cast upon us by higher powers.
I lived in Ohio for 15 years. I'm naturally an extrovert and never met a stranger. Like you I noticed the same thing in the communities I lived in. I eventually gave up and just stayed with my TOO brothers, met them, gained family. The day-to-day social interaction with others was at the office. Now with the WFH situation, many people have even abandoned that.