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Get ready for more fuggn snow.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hope this is it. I'm getting tired of sitting in my truck 15-20 hours each storm. Can't wait to gear up for mowing

My wife wants it to be over as well. I would be satisfied with more snow and less mowing. I hate mowing lawns. Bothers my allergies. lmao

They took us from 7-12" down to 6-9" and then 3-6". The way it looks we will be lucky to see 3". I am pulling an all nighter awaiting to dispatch guys. Hope the boys are well rested because once I get them rolling I am going to sleep. Guess I shouldn't have loaded up a couple dump trucks of firewood today and gone shed hunting. haha


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It sleeted here about 10:00AM then turned to huge snow flakes. Great it's going to be slick out there.


*Supporting Member*
I got up at 7 to real fine hail coming down. About 20 minutes later it switched to snow and hasn't let up since.


Senior Member
Athens County
Gordo cam

Its slick


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Only about an inch here but they say it ain't over yet. Should start about 9 and go till 4.


Tatonka guide.
I wonder if wal mart and all these other food chains are paying these weather guys off?

I think the weathermen are counting dead snowflakes and guessing at how many live snow flakes there are. :)


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My morning went like this: left the house at 0530... Go 200 yards to a stop sign look left, clear look right..... Car hits tree couple hundred feet away.... All I saw was the aftermath of steam and snow flying..... Get too him and open the door and the airbags deployed..... Powder from the bag went everywhere too the point I couldn't see the driver thru the window..... Open the door and necked him and he's drunk.... Cops called he wants a cigarette and want too walk too the circle k down the road.... That ain't going too happen.... Fast fwd cops show up and it's my daughters boyfriend he says hi yep he is and I'm going too work... Call me if you need anything.....

Make it too work and get changed into my uniform just in time too hear a phone call which finishes with how bad she car???? WTH now??? One of my troops lost it and hit a car on route 80.... Off I go too the scene and sure enough cars not drivable and he hit another reservist that I knew..... So by lunch we leavin the urgent care center after they checked him over.... Yeah I'm so ready for this day too be done..... lol....