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Giles' 24' season recap


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I can say that I spent less time in the woods this season than I normally do. I never did get to just go out and enjoy the woods for what it is. Meatbwas the mission. Maybe I'll reflect on the peace of it all with squirrels on the plan.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Back to the hunt where I killed my buck...

There was a bigger bucknij the field and a guy hunting that watched it all go down. Had to be awesome for him to see it all unfold in front of him. Also had to be relieved that I didn't shoot the big one, lol. I'm also happy I didn't go up and take a giant out from under a guy that did his homework and was putting gin the effort. I'd like to hear his side of the hunt some day. He text Ryan at one point telling us to not get run over, lol. Deer was big. One side way bigger than the other. I can say that I killed the biggest buck I had in range all year. This is the other buck, closest he got was about 90 yards. He was the calmest deer in that field and had no interest in playing the silly games the other were.

Just about everyone I've told this story to has called me an idiot for not taking the shot at 90. It is crazy to me what people think they can do with these newer crossbows. That wasn't going to happen. Not from me anyways. Bow is crazy fast, accurate and quiet, but alot can happen over 90 yards. I am perfectly fine not taking a shot like that. Crazy to me the overwhelming amount of people that said they would. I guess that is what keeps the trackers busy.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
A deer we had chased for a few years was killed this year. I missed him a couple years ago when hunting with @Quantum673

I had to cut the deer off and took off running to get ahead of him for a shot. I thought i was settled but the shot didn't hit the deer, so I pulled or something. Neighbor guy ended up killing him the day after Thanksgiving. Rattled him in. He had no idea the caliber of buck it is. Not until I was telling him what deer it was. He actually felt bad that one of us didn't get him. Lol. No way man, you rattled him into your yard and got him. Congratulations. I told him he should of felt bad for not telling me so I could drink beer with him and put my hands on him. He promised me it would happen when he got him back from the taxi. Gr8t 8 is gone.

Last pictures we will ever get of him. The chase was awesome. RIP

(rob is 6'-8" 😂)


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
This deer was very hit and miss on one cam. Never was on my radar, just got a couple of pics of him every few weeks. He was taken on the neighboring chunk. I think all the mature bucks in the area were taking this year. More people hunting the area now than ever. This guy was also new to hunting and is going to play hell trying to top this one! Lol

I just called him the kicker buck. I'll see if I saved any cell pics.


Junior Member
Well done ninja ! That’s a lot of meat to process. You got a grinder how ya do all that . Congratulations to you and everyone else on a successful year.

I like to take chunks maybe 2inch by 2inch wrap in bacon grill some times throw some peanut butter on them at finish .

Jalapeños ,blue cheese the skies the limit we call them deer balls around here .
Just the name I know your interested!🤣👍