Clay Showalter
Southern member northern landowner
I have never been to any part of the world that leaves me in such awe or desire to return as the Rocky Mountains.
Glad you are enjoying this along with us.Thanks for sharing! Enjoy all of it!
But it is the wind along with the cold, not just the snow that gets you. Imagine you are prepared-hell! I live in the great lakes snow belt, we get 150" to 200" of snow a winter here south east of Erie Pa. I am fine, but it is the guy ahead of you that jams things up...miles from the nearest anything that gets you killed.Back in 2013 we made the trip, but ran in to the October 1st 2013 Federal Park shutdown. As we took a southern route home through Kansas we watched happen what I tried to explain to the Misses and our son.
October 3-5, 2013 Historic Blizzard
Yep! The very thing I was warning them could happen was in fact occurring just north of us where we had been a week earlier. The exact places we went out through in 70 degree weather now had the cows up to their horns in killer snow...