Brought that 08' cart home today. After a ton more reading, i felt comfortable looking at the frame and checking major electrical components with my multimeter. First test was to drive it off trailer and then down and back on our rural road. It maintained speed and the vertical battery gauge only dropped 2 bars after 2.3 miles. Noticed some rotational noise and catiwampus on the passenger rear though. Yanked rear basket and bag holders off in prep for a rear seat.
Tomm I am going to yank the rear diff. cover and inspect the gears, add new fluid and reseal. Since the cover will be off, it'll get a paint job. Then its onto rotating the tires to see if the catiwampus follows the wheel/tire combo, adjust rear drum brakes and then determine if rear axle bearings need replaced. Going to be a fun little tinkering project with the older two boys, just hoping it lasts a few years with a little TLC. If it turns out to be a solid rig, with a few more mods it would be a nice silent woods machine. I have never driven or known anyone with a BBB, but many like carts over them. They will never replace a gas driven machine though.