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Good week on the cams...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I love checking cams when it turns out to be worthwhile!!!

After losing track of Hook Jr., I more or less gave up on finding him as I felt he might have moved out of our range. Turns out I was wrong! He showed up around 7:50PM on Friday night to eat acorns on the edge of a cut bean field. He was there for 15 minutes and then an hour later, he showed up 500 yards N to eat corn that I dumped in an over grown field. He repeated the trick on Saturday by hitting the acorns at 5AM and then returning to the corn at 8PM that night. I have no doubts where this deer is staying and he is in trouble if he starts moving during daylight. Greg has a week to hunt starting Friday and we have 3-4 stands covering the creek bottom and surrounding area that he using right now. I fully expect us to have an encounter with this deer before its all said and done with...

To add to the excitement, I picked up pics of two bucks I call "Tracie Shooters" and one buck that I will most definitely go after if I get a chance! This first buck is at our farm and has some sweet brows! He'd be a shooter for Tracie and I think BloodyNock might be interested in him. He looks 3.5 to me and those brows make him tempting...

Both of these bucks are behind our house. The first 8 is one I know Tracie would take if she had a chance and the second buck is one I would love to kill. I might spend a few evenings hunting the neighbors in hopes of seeing this buck. Gotta love those G2's!!!



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Lookin' good man. Hopefully the dude behind the house makes himself a frequent visitor. Like I told you, I don't think Hook Jr. lost anything when the velvet came off. I'm developing a game plan for this next week, and I plan on spending a lot of time on or around that grown up field.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
dude, he has two kickers starting to grow on the back side of his main (right side). Thats pretty sweet.

good luck greg, I am hoping you guys get something down. I thought for sure it would have happened already. make it happen bro!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I think those are the brows Wayne. Look at the first pic, they really curve back.

I appreciate the gl, I will be hunting hard hoping to get it done in that week I'm off, cause my next long break is the week of Thanksgiving. The last week of October has always been good to me.