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Great evening

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county

I'm so proud of both my kids! This is some of the most trying terrain to hunt deer in my opinion. We hunt in the hills and I have never been one to use my 4 wheeler to get around to deer hunt. My kids climb up and down right with me and never complain. They earn each everything that they are rewarded with! This has truly been a dream season for us and honestly probably one that we may never experience again! I have cherished each and every moment this yr!

This very well may be the last deer hunt on my family property, a property that I first started out on 25+ yrs ago. My grandpa had a stroke this past spring and has been in and out of the hospital and nursing home all yr. I know that the property very well may need to be sold and we will lose the very place that not only I but my kids have made so many wonderful memories.

If this was it, we went out with a bang! My kids pounded and pounded away and they have so much to proud of!
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Senior Member
Athens County
Thats what its all about!

Bummer about the family property, but like you said, if that was it you and the fam closed it out in style. Congrats!

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Andrew killed his 3rd deer of the season tonight, a big nanny doe. We went to a spot in an adjacent county since he already used his tags in our county. I had put a buddy stand on this property before gun week just for times like today when we wanted to hit it again. We weren't in the stand 30 min when Drew spotted deer headed our way. 3 then 5 then 7 and finally 9 total were headed our way. Drew made a great 20 yd shot and the rest of the deer stayed around us until dark. I could of easily shot another and doubled with him but I was waiting on antlers. This property is not hunted and I definitely don't feel like those #'s represent the entire county but man I wish we could trap some of those does and bring them home to our area, lol.


lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Andrew killed another doe this evening. I had a land owner that wanted some deer removed so I bought Drew another tag since it was in another county. We weren't set up long and he spotted the first one at around 100 yds. Ended up being two young does and he dropped the hammer on the lead one. I was actually hoping we could get a younger one as we have a family dinner planned for Friday and am I'm going to smoke the backstraps and one quarter. The rest I'm going to make into jerky for the land owner and his family. We already have her cut up and chilling in the fridge. Another awesome evening with one of my kids!!