I have two stainless steel Char Broil gas grills; one three burner, one four burner. They both have lifetime warranties on them. That's why I went that route.
I prefer porcelain covered grill grates but be aware that they cannot be cleaned with metal utensils. Straight cast iron is my second favorite. SS looses its non-stick capabilities pretty quick but last a bit longer.
Settled on the Kenmore 4 burner with the folding side table. It has the same warranty as the Char-Broil in this price range and I love the idea of the table. I pick it up tonight and hope to grill on it tomorrow night!
I feel pretty confident it was a quality purchase. Just couldn't see blowing my entire budget on just a generator. I did a lot of research on this one and other than the Champion line, this was one of the best units for the money.
Now I just need time to get to Sams and snag that power washer! I should probably wire up my electric service for a generator too.
Good deal. Wiring into the house is nice, but if you can at least keep the freezers and fridges going along with a sump pump (if you have one) then you should be able to survive without any major expenses after an outage.