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Gun Season 2020


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Little man and I are out in the ground blind at my property tonight. Only about an hour to go but I’m already thinking I should’ve brought more snacks!



Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
This is possibly my last morning hunt of the season. It’s morning 32 out of the last 35. I go back to work tomorrow. I had no intentions of hunting this much but Covid saved most of my vacation. I have had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit about my property. The first week of November was one of the best weeks of rut hunting I have ever had. Week 2 really slowed down but I still saw a lot of deer. Week 3 less rut activity but still a lot of deer. Since then it’s been food sources only. I’m not the guy that gets lucky at last light on the last day but I will be here to prove that once again. Good luck today fellas..... if anyone is still out there. Maybe I’m the only one with a tag left.


Supporting Member
Ross County
4 or 5 shots heard a long ways from me so far. Not expecting much this morning, being so cruncky & everything froze solid an all. If a deer does work my way, I should be able to hear it coming from a mile away.

Just bunnys & squirrels at the moment.

I 'TOO' salute all those that made it out in this bitter cold morning.

Good luck!


Supporting Member
Ross County
A few more standing at the back of my proerty currently.

Came across a half a dozen deer beds, at least a day or two old within the bottom right photograph, the standing weeded field. Same with the deer tracks in the snow. No big buck stuff found nearby yet.

Found some very fresh coyote tracks though, perhaps from this morning.

Done with my very local recon. Heading back to the shop, which is within the lower left photograph, just on the other side of the main creek.

No more shots heard since my first early morning post.

I'll be back out again for an evening hunt later today.