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Gun show find.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I don't go to many gun shows anymore, I get tired at looking at over priced crap. But a sportsman's club 3 miles for home had one this weekend and I decided to run over first thing Sunday and see what was there.

This little gem happened to be there.

Ithaca M37 16 gauge, made in 1948 with a 28" modified choked barrel. Bluing is very good, so good that I almost thought it was reblued but I think it's original. $265 + $4 admission:smiley_blink:


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I don't make it to gun shows anymore. Keep your eyes open for a Winchester model 12, full choke. My Grandfather gave me one for graduation and I, like a dumbass had it stolen out of the back of my truck. I would like to get another just to have it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don't make it to gun shows anymore. Keep your eyes open for a Winchester model 12, full choke. My Grandfather gave me one for graduation and I, like a dumbass had it stolen out of the back of my truck. I would like to get another just to have it.

Not what you're looking for but I know where there is a never been fired Mint Winchester 1300. 22" Barrel with a Full Winchoke and choke wrench. Will Shoot 2 3/4" and 3".. I think the guy wanted 300.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Went skeet shooting today, 1st time I'd been able to get out with a shotgun in 2 months. The Ithaca functioned flawlessly, I unfortunately did not function so well. I was happy with the gun. She shoots tight, I either smoked 'em or it was a clean miss. Maybe I ought to have the choke opened a bit.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Congrtas on the find Sam, always liked the 16 ga. Mine is my Grandads a 16 ga. Model 12 mod choke. A very underrated ga. in my book...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Went skeet shooting today, 1st time I'd been able to get out with a shotgun in 2 months. The Ithaca functioned flawlessly, I unfortunately did not function so well. I was happy with the gun. She shoots tight, I either smoked 'em or it was a clean miss. Maybe I ought to have the choke opened a bit.

Sam one of these days we got to get out and chase some bunnies.... You bring the Ithaca and I'll brinf the Model 12, 16 ga shoot out lol...