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ummmm nope , guns are unethical they make deer hunting to easy , i mean you put a pile of corn out there and the deer come along and eat it and then they get sick cause its all in a big pile , give up guns and just hunt with a big orn pile , save ya lots of time and money:smiley_blablabla:


Senior Member
ummmm nope , guns are unethical they make deer hunting to easy , i mean you put a pile of corn out there and the deer come along and eat it and then they get sick cause its all in a big pile , give up guns and just hunt with a big orn pile , save ya lots of time and money:smiley_blablabla:

So all i need is a corn pile and ill kill more buck deer?

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corn pile and a traditional bow that you walked 30 miles way back in the wayne to cut this tree so you could make your own bow , then find other trees fo arra's , then ya gots to go and shoot a turkey with a spear and use it feathers for the flu flu's , then after you get all that stuff done then you can kill more buck deers using corn piles , but ya gotta pile the corn up real nice cause buck deerz like to have the corn pilez nice and neet , and bout waist high so they dont have to bend over to eat , cause dem buck deerz are lazy , and with lazyness comes the buck deerz getting fat , and when a buck deer gets fat he cant leave his bedding rea that much , and speaking of bedding i baught some new bedding today , my dogs cousins freinds uncle loves it its nice cause he dont have to get out of bed to shoot the bucks deerz cause he has a big corn pile roigh opn his blanket and he says it draws the deerz in real close so you can shoot them with the bow that you walked 50 miles to get and then cut more trees to get the arrows and then ya juged the turkey to ge the fag fags to make the arrow fly straight , and you need the arrow to fly straight , so that you can hit what yer aiming at , cause good aim is always good when yer hunting them buck deerz that you walked 120 miles to cut the tree and then to use dynomite to kill the turkey to use its feathers for poo poo's

is that clear enough for you, baiting deerz is bad


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Actually Guns don't kill people...
Husbands who come home early kill people
