I can't take it any longer. I get off work at 0630 and I'm headed straight to the wood. Gotta be back at work at 1830, so I'm probably only sit for 3 or 4 hours. All the big bucks dropping the past couple days has me itching to get out there, and I'm willing to sacrafice some sleep to do it. It will be daylight, but I'm gonna shower up and grab the Millennium/LW combo and head for the creek bottom behind the house. The last couple times I've hunted, I've had the does skirt me at 50y using a creek crossing to my north, so I'm going about 150y north of that stand and hanging. Hoping to catch this guy slipping through behind a doe. He's not a monster, but I'd be happy to put his head on my wall.

Good luck today to all who head out!

Good luck today to all who head out!
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