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I've been lurking a while and decided I should finally step up. I am a hunter of only 3 years and have one deer on the wall, a nice 10 pt buck from last year.

Looking forward to learning and sharing some stories :)


Staff member
Welcome to the forum! Don't be afraid to join in and certainly feel free to post pics of large in size dead whitetails!!! LOL!!! :smiley_clap:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Welcome to the site! Feel free to post pics of small white tails too! Or coyotes, or turkeys, or fish, or ducks, or ground hogs, or dove, or crow, or even deer poop. Jump on in and enjoy the ride!

I would recommend steering clear of the uglykat. He is a pivot man for gay porn stars. Just saying. We don't judge him for it, but figured I would put it right out there in the open so you knew up front. The rest of the gang is alright (for the most part.) :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
btw.. He's not banned. He asked me to fix the period in his name. The only way to do that is creating another one.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Welcome to TOO! Glad to have you! New members need to remember that any time you use the word "too", it must be spelled
"TOO". It's in the TOO by-laws, swear to god!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Welcome to TOO! Glad to have you! New members need to remember that any time you use the word "too", it must be spelled
"TOO". It's in the TOO by-laws, swear to god!

Greg is that you're best Donny Baker? ????

Anyways Gumby welcome too the site.... pull up a chair and enjoy the ride.... best forum in Ohio hands down.....
Welcome to the site! Feel free to post pics of small white tails too! Or coyotes, or turkeys, or fish, or ducks, or ground hogs, or dove, or crow, or even deer poop. Jump on in and enjoy the ride!

I would recommend steering clear of the uglykat. He is a pivot man for gay porn stars. Just saying. We don't judge him for it, but figured I would put it right out there in the open so you knew up front. The rest of the gang is alright (for the most part.) :smiley_crocodile:

cotty taught me everything i know.........lmao