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Hicks hunting log


Dignitary Member
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Not yet. Had I shot the broad heads to verify they are hitting the same as field points. . . .maybe. I am sure we will be home early. Should have time to shoot them midday. This will eliminate the excuse. My other thought was to take a picture of a deer with me. I can always point at the location on the deer he should be aiming. This might help with shot placement.


Dignitary Member
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I am like a kid on Christmas morning. Breakfast done. Showers done. Scent smoker rolling a cloud in the garage. Truck is warming up. Just need to pack some grub and try to get into stand quietly. Today is supposed to be mild bit I opened up the hotties for Garrett's boots anyway. I want him comfy as can be.





Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang he was in the shower before I was this morning...too early for that shit!

Lmao. Wasn't early enough. Little man takes time to prep and get situated. Dang. Noisy as can be. Not a complaint. Just observations of other things we can work on. Told him to walk like an Indian. Sneak up on da deerz. Ended up carrying him in the fireman carry. Unexpected extra 70+ lbs in my load. I think he is napping. If awake he is doing awesome sitting still.

Most memorable comment so far " wow. Daddy those sounds are wonderful." The comment was so genuine, sincere, and innocent. Made all the effort worth it.


Dignitary Member
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Garrett got to experience his first rut activity. About 745 a small buck came meandering thru. He kicked up a young doe and pushed her around the woods awhile. They have since disappeared. Made it after 8am before he asked for the DS. Lol


Dignitary Member
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Thanks Drake but I an flying solo again. He has been sick all week. Garrett turned green, looked at me and said "wish. I gotta poop. My stomach. . . " say no more son. Dropped him off and he didn't want to come back. I wont push him. I have had the gurgle gut before. Maybe tonight.


Dignitary Member
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My wife isn't so happy. I am going hunting though. 4 days left to fill out this tag.

Happy Thanksgiving all!


Dignitary Member
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Can't believe I left during the OSU/MI game but I left in the third quarter as the Buckeyes missed their field goal. I had an evening hunt and tomorrow to fill my last tag. Can't kill them from the recliner and me watching the game wasn't going to change the outcome. Hunted from 255 to 545pm. Woods were very stagnant until the last 15min. Finally had 2 does file in from the north which was opposite of the script. Normally come out of the south from this stand. Unfortunately, they were about 75-100yds away. They did feed closer to me but only to within approximately 60yds. By this time it was TOO dark to shoot and all I had to do was wait for them to leave so I could shiver back to the truck.

Hours hunted: 2.75
Deer seen: 2

Prior hunt with Garrett:
7am-830am 1.5hrs
Deer Seen: SMall buck chasing a young doe: 2 deer

Back out at 9am after dropping Garrett off. Hunted until noon.
Hours hunted: 3
Deer seen: 6

Thanksgiving Hunt:
Hours hunted: 3
Deer seen: 2

Season totals:
Hours hunted: 80.25
Deer seen: 89
Last edited:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have been settled into my last chance stand since 3. Now or next year or travel to hunt for me after tonight.


Dignitary Member
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Perplexing end to the season. Had 2 does come busting through about 50-100yds west of me. They ran north and south several times like something was chasing them, then disappeared. Maybe a coyote or maybe a young buck chasing. I dunno. Things got quiet again. Closer to dusk I watched 3 does move into the cut corn field over 100yds away thru the woods. Wrote them off for the evening. Didn't figure I would get another shot at them since they were feeding and I was in the woods. Maybe 10min later I had 2 (possibly 3) more doe come my way. They came in from my west and meandered thru the woods behind me. I was able to turn and draw without getting busted. Then I got to hold until the big one in the front came to an opening. Thankfully she paused in the opening and I verified my bubble on the level, settled the pin, squeezed the release, and heard it hit. Or so I thought. She took off like a scalded dog. My buddy watched her exit the woods from his stand (not in the woods) and bust butt towards the next county at mach speed. After texting him to ask if he saw her crash, I climbed down to find my arrow and/or blood. I couldn't find either. I like Slick Tricks, but it seems like when they hit the ground they dive into the ground and disappear. I suspect my arrow is buried under the leaves somewhere in the woods but I have no clue where it disappeared to. Not the way I wanted to end my season. No arrow. No blood trail. No deer to tag.

Hours hunted: 2.75
Deer Seen: 7

Season totals:
Hours hunted: 83
Deer seen: 96
Deer tagged: 3 does