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Holy Shit


Senior Member
Supporting Member

Yeah, I ain't buying it. You can cover the social media platforms with "doctors" again and I'm still doubting. It is facts that sports players have been dropping since the jab. But now that it happened on a big platform on live TV we get "doctors" coming out giving a diagnosis? Nah Dawg. It could be true but it is getting pushed way to hard for me to believe. We've seen this sheep herding entirely to much to not see it happening again.

No disrespect for this fella, his family and players. That is just unfortunate.

It's not a bullshit thing. It's why there are heart guard branded items to help minimize this for youth athletes.

Now based upon what was seen to happen it fits the symptoms and management that had so far been released.
Vfib drops your blood pressure because your heart is no longer pumping but he's a world class athlete so he went longer than the average lard butt watching it unfold on national tv. What's the first thing you do to Vfib? shock it ergo the AED then start CPR.


It was released that he got a heart beat back but wasn't yet breathing on his own which is why they intubated him (breathing tube) and then sedated him along with standard post cardiac arrest treatment.

Now there HAVE BEEN quite a few drop dead world class and high end athletes since the jab. They weren't resuscitated successfully and he was. Also a blood clot into the vessels of the heart leading to vfib probably will not respond to the same treatment in the same way leading to death.

So take this for the $ you paid for it and if you want i can go in deeper depth.


Senior Member
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Having went through the process myself I can tell you that in college testing is random, the college itself will randomly test and so will the NCAA. In both cases a guy literally watches you with your dick in your hand piss into a cup. At the combine each athlete is tested, I think the same is done at the Senior bowl (but don't quote me on that). When you enter minicamp and camp for the NFL you are tested again. Steriod can stay in your system for a month, so taking them and stopping them isnt really beneficial and will actually cause you to lose strength. PED use in college football died in the 90's, I can only think of maybe one or two guys that juiced while I was in school and both were fucking turd walkons that didnt have the talent. Now that being said, what do you consider a PED? At the college level creatine is legal, but I don't think it is in the NFL. I took creatine with a NO2 which help put more oxygen into my blood, but these substance were both legal and I had my team physician/trainer check them. Believe me there isnt any Barry Bonds or Mark Mcgwire stuff going on. But student athletes are visiting the GMC
can attest that random tests even happened at D3 early 2000s especially if you were noticeably different or your stats changed dramatically. I had a test when i qualified for nationals and the penn relays.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
So this one was legit and they will use it as an excuse for the rest of them?

What is all the chest pads for that he had on?
Different pathophysiology leads to different outcomes and diagnosis and treatments. But i can't say the .gov won't use it wrongly...

The chest pads minimize impact but with the velocity and mass an NFL tackle has, definitely within the realm of possibility and it fits how the treatment was done and the end result.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thank you for the informative explanation. I can easily buy into the vaccine causing this but I try to be open minded and listen to other possibilities. It is just sad the jab was the first thought of many people.
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Senior Member
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Thank you for the informative explanation. I can easily buy into the vaccine causing this but I try to be open minded and listen to other possibilities. It is just sad the jab was the first thought of many people.
It makes initial sense based upon the first impressions but its important to not let bias cloud our vision. Had they not been able to resuscitate him I think the jab would have been high on anyone's list who pays attention and hasn't drank all the kool-aid flavors. But with a (so far) successful resuscitation it lends to alternate theories.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Sudden Cardiac Arrest from impact seems to be happening more and more. As a Coach for our school district I have to take sudden cardiac training every year. This became a state requirement about 5 or 6 years ago. May have been a little longer.
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Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
It actually happens quite a bit in baseball. Just google baseball, hit , chest, heart and you’ll find plenty of examples.

Happens is baseball because the adults refuse to use the safety ball because they don't like the way it sounds when hit.
There was a cardiologist being interviewed on our local talk radio channel yesterday. He said commotio cortis is very uncommon, only up to 20 per year...in the world. He also said it was very unlikely a grown athletic male would suffer from something like this. That it mostly occurs in young kids, baseball being the #1 sport related, and not physically fit adults. His reasoning that it was unlikely the cause was because of his physical fitness, pads, etc.. He felt that the real cause would be something else whether it was an undiscovered chronic heart condition or a condition that has occurred quickly and affected his heart directly. He went on with the normal disclaimers of not being directly involved and all but then said he could see them using the commotio cortis explanation just to put it to rest. But then he said that he would not necessarily agree until he saw further proof. At no time did he say vaccine but he definitely did not buy the initial reason the news is putting out there.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Baseball and Lacrosse are the two main sports where it’s seen mostly. Football not so much. The wife (medical field 30+ years) explained it somewhat too me. Hit appears too be off center of the heart somewhat. But it’s probably what caused it.


Staff member
My wife has specialized in cardiac care and is the Coordinator of the cath lab at our local hospital. Even she had skeptical hippo eyes over the commotio cortis diagnosis. She's not prone to wear the same tinfoil hats I wear, but did stand her ground and avoided the jab (largely due to being pregnant). She's my litmus test and if she's skeptical, then I'm rolling out the foil! 😂


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My wife has specialized in cardiac care and is the Coordinator of the cath lab at our local hospital. Even she had skeptical hippo eyes over the commotio cortis diagnosis. She's not prone to wear the same tinfoil hats I wear, but did stand her ground and avoided the jab (largely due to being pregnant). She's my litmus test and if she's skeptical, then I'm rolling out the foil! 😂
Yep, I’m in the same boat….


Active Member
Carbon, In
You see this all the time with all the kicks and punches to the chest in the UFC and all the hits in the NHL too. 🙄 Nope, pretty much non existent. Just like heart attacks for school aged children. They are re-writing the script. Those of us old enough to have seen the movie of life know its BS. The younger people will accept the re-write as normal because its all they know, as well as the gullible and easily influenced/willing to accept anything to make this seem normal.
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
tin foil hat jab thoughts after having a coworker in his late 40s die a week or 2 after recieving it are real to me. Im not looking at this way to hard because he hit a guy seconds before. If he was running down the field and just fell over with no contact id be way more into these ideas. Weak or altered hearts time will tell. I live under a rock and stay here so i dont know how much its going on compared to 4yrs ago.