Done no one envite Hooter? :smiley_adfundum:
COB-TY Retired to the happy hunting grounds above. 2,555 0 Ohio Aug 30, 2010 #1 Done no one envite Hooter? :smiley_adfundum:
swantucky The Crew 1,594 136 Swanton, Ohio Aug 30, 2010 #2 Not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you COB!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:
Not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you COB!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:
COB-TY Retired to the happy hunting grounds above. 2,555 0 Ohio Aug 31, 2010 #3 swantucky said: Not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you COB!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:[/QUO Wow! He is a troublesome SOB then! :smiley_adfundum: Where is whistle Do-Da? :smiley_angelmusic: Click to expand...
swantucky said: Not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you COB!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:[/QUO Wow! He is a troublesome SOB then! :smiley_adfundum: Where is whistle Do-Da? :smiley_angelmusic: Click to expand...
G Geezer *Hims a Super Moderator* 11,640 0 Aug 31, 2010 #4 cob-ty said: swantucky said: not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you cob!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:[/quo wow! He is a troublesome sob then! :smiley_adfundum: Where is whistle do-da? :smiley_angelmusic: Click to expand... Him here COB - dang - i ain't goin :smiley_cigar: Click to expand...
cob-ty said: swantucky said: not sure. That fugger is more trouble than you cob!!:smiley_blackeye: Glad to see you here:smiley_breakdance:[/quo wow! He is a troublesome sob then! :smiley_adfundum: Where is whistle do-da? :smiley_angelmusic: Click to expand... Him here COB - dang - i ain't goin :smiley_cigar: Click to expand...
Thunderflight Dignitary Member 17,770 167 Shermans Dale, PA Aug 31, 2010 #5 I invited him and he said he only surfs *** now. Maybe you all should gang up and invite him over here.
I invited him and he said he only surfs *** now. Maybe you all should gang up and invite him over here.
Jackalope Dignitary Member Staff member 39,188 274 Aug 31, 2010 #6 Thunderflight said: I invited him and he said he only surfs *** now. Maybe you all should gang up and invite him over here. Click to expand... Rut Roa... you tried to break the first rule of fight
Thunderflight said: I invited him and he said he only surfs *** now. Maybe you all should gang up and invite him over here. Click to expand... Rut Roa... you tried to break the first rule of fight
formerbowhunter1023 Now Posts as Jesse.. 0 0 SE Ohio Sep 1, 2010 #7 jackalope said: rut roa... You tried to break the first rule of fight Click to expand... Ha!
jackalope said: rut roa... You tried to break the first rule of fight Click to expand... Ha!
G Geezer *Hims a Super Moderator* 11,640 0 Sep 1, 2010 #8 Hoot busy - him take'n him OBA bowhunter course