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Hortontoters 2015 Season

Went to the cabin yesterday to pull camera cards for the last time before I hunt. At this time I have one buck that I will take a crack at. Due to the crab claw on his left side I've dubbed him South Claw. He is a buck I've had on camera all summer. Unless something better appears soon or during the rut his life is in danger. There is also another critter in danger TOO.


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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice looking deer HT. Hope you get a crack at him, and certainly hope you get a shot at that stinking yote!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I'm rootin' for you Dick. I like that buck and would shoot him if opportunity came around. Hope to see you all cheezin' with one of them. Good Luck Buddy!
Sept. 30, 2015 PM
Temp 62* Wind - N/NE 5-10

Against my better judgment, but because I couldn't wait any longer I hunted yesterday. The winds were really against me and I don't use a smoker. Hunted the outhouse stand from 3:15 10 6:50. Lots of activity in the woods, but no deer sighted. I left early to get out due to darkness in the woods early from heavy cloud and leaf cover. In reality I'm hunting one particular buck again this season. That's not saying he is the only buck I will shoot. But, I like good light to identify the buck I'm hunting. I did find I may need to make a couple small tweaks in the outhouse stand now that I moved it. They are very tiny details that can wait until the season ends though. Sure felt good to be back "in my element" as Norma puts it.
Oct. 1, 2015 PM
Temp 60* Wind - N/NE Sunny

Hunted the outhouse from 2:45 to dark. Fairly windy most of the evening, very sunny. Squirrels were everywhere. Again not the best wind for the stand. If it had been after Oct. 20th I'd have not hunted with this wind direction. No deer sighted.
Oct. 7, 2015 PM
Temp 59* Wind - Mostly Calm Sunny

Got on stand a little later than I like to this afternoon. Hunted the outhouse from 4:45 to dark. Fairly calm most of the evening, very sunny. Squirrels were not as plentiful as on the last hunt. No deer sighted, but I love my new setup. I'm sure things will start to get exciting in a couple of weeks.
Oct. 11, 2015 MORNING
Temp 40* Wind - Mostly Calm

Hunted the outhouse from daylight to 9:45. At about 8:45 had a buck bump a couple does west of me on the neighbors side of the fence. One doe started towards me then turned to her right on went out of sight. A minute or so later a 4 point came towards me from the west on the neighbors side of the fence. He jumped the fence west of the low spot in the fence. He angled towards me and crossed my tractor path in my shooting window. He offerd a killing shot, that I passed on, and then went by the Trophy Rock and head towards Jim's. My step son Greg hunted the creek bottom and had a deer come from Jim's at about 8:15. It angled up towards where my tractor was parked and he lost sight of it.

Oct. 11, 2015 EVENING
Temp 68* Wind - W/SW/NW Variable

Hunted the outhouse from 4:00 to 7:10. Had a huge doe slip in on me undetected from Jim's side near the TR. I first spotted her in the tractor path in my shooting window. She didn't hesitate, walked to the fence crossing and jumped it. She headed towards the creek bottom, but evidently caught my scent. A second doe was at the TR now. The doe that had crossed the fence had me pinned down for almost half an hour. She made four, what I'd call, half snorts. In the end she finally bounded off towards the west and the doe by the TR went up my tractor path to the Lightning Oak and both were out of sight. Greg hunted the creek bottom and saw nothing.