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How far away can you here a grunt...


*Supporting Member III*
This morning I was a bout 500 yards from my buddy. I could here his soft tending grunts (no wind at all...very still morning). It made me wonder...how far away can deer be and still hear the old grunt tube on a calm day?
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Last year I heard more grunting than I ever had, and I would venture to say that 99% of the grunting I heard was from 100y or less. Each time, I had to ask myself if I actually heard what I thought I did, that's how quiet they were. Unless a buck was very excited and grunting hard, I doubt you would be able to hear him much further than that, but hey, what do I know!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Was it your buddy doing the grunting, or what? Did you both hear the deer but not see it? I'm a bit confused as to exactly what happened.
two ywars ago there was a buck laying across the rd from me . about 250 yards , ( per range finder) when i walked out to look through the bino's the snow crunched a lil . he snapped his head around and looked right at me . im thinking there hearing is way better than we could ever emagine .

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Has he been working at that glory hole place swanny goes to??? No way you should be able to hear him grunting 500 yards away.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The interesting thing I've noticed over the years when it comes to grunting is that a tending grunt isn't noticeably louder when the buck is under your stand than when he is out of sight or a hundred yards away. As for the distance I've heard a buck grunting, I have heard and seen a grunting buck easily over a distance of a 100 to 125 yards. Prolly even over 150 yards.


*Supporting Member III*
He got into his stand and I walked another 500 yards to mine. He was in a head of woods that was about 50 yards deep and then there was open field between us. Maybe in the woods everything would eat the sound better, but I know for sure that's how far apart we were. I know it was him because we were texting back and forth. He could hear me and I could hear him...and they were just short soft grunts on the old tube...I was really surprised I could hear it...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Grunt tubes can be heard forever. I don't know why they are so much louder than a deer is. It was funny last year because Jesse and I were set up together hunting a triple trunk tree, and one of his buddies was on an flat about 40y in the edge of the woods watching a cut corn field. He was every bit of a 1/4 mile away, and we could hear him blowing away on that call trying to get some deer's attention out in the middle of the field. We were dieing laughing because it didn't sound anything like an actual deer!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thats funny as hell Greg! My bro and I were screwing around one lock down period way back in the day and we were hunting a hollar together prolly 80 yards apart and were blowing on our tubes quite differently than your suppose to. It sounded like motorcross and there was a lot of gear shifting................If you know what I mean!LOL


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
haha, I know what you mean. Jesse and I were hunting a field edge one evening last year and it came time to get down, but there were too many deer in the field to get down undetected. I started blowing on the grunt call some to try and spook them out, but they paid no attention. I blew so hard on that call that it sounded like a duck call, and still the deer paid no attention. Tried gobbling like a turkey, howling like a coyote, and nothing. We were dieing laughing because any other time, those deer would have bolted from the slightest noise. It wasn't until we started to climb down that they decided to get the hell outta dodge.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm going to carry an Air horn.. BRAAAAMMMPPPP!

Knowing my luck it'll get wedged in my pack and go off. And since my pack is waterproof it will prolly explode.


*Hims a Super Moderator*
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffT :smiley_breakdance:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
What's it mean when I can't hear my own grunt tube?????? I kinda thought they were like dog whistles lol