I hate to say it too Phil cuz I have been raised on or around a farm all my life. But when you drive across the auglaize river and the niehbor is pumping hog shit in the river bottom and the water in the river is brown because the hogcrap is running out of the tiles straight to the river, that can't be good for fish or wildlife. It just seems our deer in the county seems like they dissappeared over night and it seems like after last years hunting season. And it seems like everybody else is having the same problem. There has to be more to it then just hunters and coyotes IMO.
How many years since we jumped to 4 deer limit? I think we are just starting to feel the effects of the increased limit. We used to kill 8-900/year and we have been killing 1200 or so per year since the increase. Didn't take long. Just a few years and we are suddenly low on deer around here. I have one property with low pressure and standing corn. Were it not for that property I am not sure I would have taken a doe this year. I am still on the fence whether the coyotes are hurting us locally although I am sure there are areas affected by them. I just don't know. Time to head back to a 2 deer limit in my opinion.