Coonskiner? Lol
The wnf has 90% of ohios derrz and when I set Wendy up in that stand I knew It wuz gonna be a good one we saw a thousand and didn't shoot any
Coonskiner? Lol
Somebody is happy. If I had to guess though, I would guess they:
a) just finished smoking a fatty
b) are half drunk
c) Have been floating down the Milk River Rapids
Holy sheet! I think I quite possibly just described several of you? :smiley_crocodile:
My parties rock! Especially when I haul sand into the dorm.
I also killed a turkey once by slapping it with a Rage. True story... lmao
Where are ya Wayne?!?
I go to bow shoots to shoot trees. The targets are way too easy to hit.
Come spend the weekend in my camper (creeper van) and spend time looking at guns and drinking beer (I have candy).
I am proud of my Redwings....not my boots
When getting my picture taken with my shirt off drunk as a skunk, I cover my nipples with my middle fingers.
I'm Batman!
Here's one.
My friend Paul slays big bucks in Ohio and West Virginia annually. I just kill big does here at Sandridge.