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'Hunt the Hunters': Vandalized Deer Blinds Found Spray-Painted With Anti-Hunting Messages


Supporting Member
Ross County
Thought this was worth sharing and I have to ask, have any you had any similar experiences with the anti's while afield?

OutdoorHub Reporters
21 hours ago

After a reoccurring series of vandalized deer blinds found in Dunn County, Wisconsin, authorities are warning hunters to inspect their blinds for damage or tampering in the interest of their own safety. The first incident occurred in late September, when vandals actually flipped a homemade deer blind on its side, and spray-painted the structure with the words "All hunters are bastards," and "A.L.F" - the acronym for the Animal Liberation Front. Upon speaking with the organization, Fox News reports the North American Animal Liberation Press Office "was very pleased to hear about the destruction of multiple hunting stands in Dunn County."

Dunn County Sheriff's Office
about a month ago
Information: Criminal Damage to Property and Safety Concerns.
Recently the pictured deer stand was damaged in the Township of Sherman, two other deer stands were similarly damaged in the past two years in the Boyceville/Downing area . The recent damage was tagged with "ALF" which is the acronym for Animal Liberation Front. The Sheriff's Office is seeking information on anyone having information on who may have caused this damage. We also want the public to be vigilant as deer hunting season is approaching to inspect all stands for signs of damage or tampering to ensure your safety.

In a statement to Fox, the A.L.F said, "It is an absurd idea that there is sport in lying in wait for an unsuspecting animal to stroll by and then blowing it away with a high-powered weapon. People who do this sort of thing are despicable and need to be stopped." The second act of vandalism was reported on October 18. The Dunn County Sheriff's Office received a similar case of criminal property damage after another deer blind was found spray-painted with the apparent logo for the Animal Liberation Front, as well as a message which read, "Hunt the hunters."


Dunn County Sheriff's Office
about 2 weeks ago
Additional Information: Criminal Damage to Property and Safety Concerns.
The Sheriff's Office has received an additional case of criminal damage to property-Deer Stands, in the Township of Dunn. The suspects also located and damages several trail cams that would have caught their actions. We are asking that the public again stay vigilant to suspicious activity and look over deer stands prior to utilizing them. If you observe any suspicious activity on trail cams please contact he Sheriff's Office or anonymously at dunncocrimestoppers.com.

The anti-hunting activists responsible in this particular case had also located and destroyed "several trail cams" setup in the area which may have captured their identity, police said in a post on Facebook. These latest acts of vandalism appear to stem from two similar cases which took place nearby over the past few years, police said. Authorities urge anybody with information on the individuals who committed these crimes to contact the Dunn County Sheriff's Office, which has teamed up with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the FBI. "We are asking that the public again stay vigilant to suspicious activity and look over deer stands prior to utilizing them," the sheriff's office advised on Facebook.

Source: https://www.outdoorhub.com/amp/inde...ds-found-spray-painted-anti-hunting-messages#
Fucking bullshit!! Likely not related but had a friend climb his ladder stand earlier this season up here only to have it come tumbling down just as he reached the platform. Luckily it rode some other tree branches on the way down and he was able to jump to the side without injury. He's pretty sure the ratchet strap was cut at some point and the side straps loosened. Went into it in the morning darkness so he had no idea. Said they were going to report it but were keeping things quiet as they are part of a FB page and wondered if it was someone they had a run in with or perhaps something like this. This goes to show there are people out there who don't value human lives when it comes to this shit.


I like taking a recon lap around the property and if I see trespassers, coincidentally doing mag dumps into a hillside with my .308 pistol with the 12.5” barrel and no muzzle device. It’s loud. The mag dump is completely unrelated and not directed towards any humans.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Here in Jersey 2 weeks ago hikers and hunters were finding wire stretched across trails.... Put up days before the bear hunt so obviously aimed at bear hunters walking in the woods in the dark... Some sickos in today's society....


Junior Member
Antis and those type of individuals know better than to be in most places id leave blind. Awefull brave little snowflakes. Mite be fun to catch them in act. They wouldnt do it again id bet.