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Hunting in the rain advice


Junior Member
I will be heading out this Friday and it looks like the afternoon will be wet. I've never had much luck in the rain. Curious to any tips from the experts on hunting in the rain. Thanks!


Junior Member
If you have a place to stay dry try it. Personally when it rains.I like to move nice and slow around the woods. Use the wind and rain to your advantage. I’ve walked up on some nice bucks this time of year. If they are tending a doe it’s even better. You would be surprised, the benefits of having rain,using this method.

Even if you don’t see anything, you still have a chance to sorta read the woods and what’s going on it. Rubs,scrapes,tracks etc.

If you don’t have much woods etc, or don’t want to stalk, I would stay low on a bench by a ravine.
If you so happen to walk up or see a buck tending to a doe. Be more cautious of what the doe sees more so than the buck. Good luck!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've never had any luck hunting in a hard rain, but if it's a light drizzle it can be awesome. It's a great scenario for putting a stalk on a deer or still-hunting through a woods or cornfield.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I love hunting during light rain events or shortly after a hard rain ends. This time of year, any weather event with precipitation can be gold. Think of all those scrapes and licking branches that need touched back up. Last year it was almost a given that If it rained or was raining during late October/early November, big bucks were moving.
If it's a drizzle rain and not storming I would be in a stand, especially if it is supposed to quit at some point while you are out. Like Dave said, only those high percentage shots at this point. I use one of those screw in umbrellas and if I wear any type of rain coat I put it under at least one layer to help quiet it.


Junior Member
I figured I should provide an update. Not much to be seen during the day except one little doe that kept wandering around my stand but always well out of range. My son shot a buck toward dusk that was heading toward a scrape. This was right after the heavy stuff stopped. Funny thing is it was the same spot where I took my buck two weeks prior, but the scrape was not there for me. The next morning brought all kinds of does out as it was a nice drizzle with no wind. My son was walking toward the top of a hill and surprised a decent size doe. He was not expecting one to be out in the middle of an open hilltop and by the time he realized what to do the deer was heading away.

So, pretty much all the advice above was spot on. Thanks!