Thanks for all the congratulatory posts guys. It means a lot. Dad and I had only been set for about an hour and a half until a doe and her fawn entered a high brushy field about 300 yards away. Right as they entered, the doe snorted hard twice and I thought we were done. Dad had just stood up to strech and she blew. I was not happy to say the least. However, they walked the woodline down and came past us five minutes later. Which leads me to believe she was not snorting at us. Shortly after they past us, dad still standing says, " a good buck is coming". I can not turn and look as my back is directly to him. As he approaches, I hear dad say, "shooter". I finally glimpsed him out of the corner of my left eye at about 40 yards. As he past the tree blocking him from me I got ready and settled in. I heard a couple of soft grunts as he came. He took a couple more steps and was in the open at about 25 yards. I let one fly and knew immediately it was a good hit. He mule kicked and ran off 30 yards and stopped stiff legged. He wobbled and crashed right in front of us. Dad got it all on video! It was really cool to have him with me and how it all played out. I decided I am just going to do him as a Euro mount. Based on how tight he is and his heavy bases he will look better that way anyways. Good luck to you all. I think the best rut times are just starting and still ahead.