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I know sumthin


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Why would they appoint non-outdoorsman to begin with?

Because The council represents many interest both agriculture and hunters. The last time I looked which was a couple years two people on the council also sat on the board at Farm Bureau.


*Supporting Member*
Because The council represents many interest both agriculture and hunters. The last time I looked which was a couple years two people on the council also sat on the board at Farm Bureau.

well isn't that promising news....farm bureau.....

Good luck Mike, represent us well!


Senior Member
Reading back through I don't see where anyone stated that Mike's addition to the council was bad.

As for not knowing a lot about the council do you mean the council that is made up of an eight person board. No more than four of which can be of the same political party, and two of which must represent agriculture. The eight member council who votes on proposed changes by the DOW prior to sending tthem o the Ohio congressional floor for passage. A counsel by which Mike Rex himself has said "largely rubber stamps the recommendations of the DOW"

While I agree that Mike's appointment to the council is far better than a tree huggers appointment; I also understand he did not receive this appointment by being the outspoken voice of discontent amongst hunters. Quite the opposite from my recollection. So forgive me if I'm a bit hesitant to believe that Mike will carry the torch and pitchfork of hunters to his council meetings. Perhaps I am wrong, time will tell. We can however rest assured that he will not propose any tree hugger agendas. The fact remains however the DOW and the sitting council has done more damage to deer hunting in Ohio over the last 8 years than tree huggers have. So it will be interesting to see where he sits and if he tries to change that.

As for a council who you state is "the voice of the hunters" they sure haven't done hunters any favors over the past seven years rubber stamping the DOWs recommendation to decimate our deer population. That to me seems more like "the voice of insurance and farm lobbyist" maybe mikes vote will help to change that. But like I said he wasn't exactly appointed based on his tenaciousness against such lobbying.

At the end of the day Mike's appointment is a good thing. HOW good of a thing, is yet to be seen. I have high hopes and this is a great start towards putting hunters back in charge of DOW regulations. He's not the Rand Paul i want on the council, more like Mitt Romney which at the end of the day is better than a Hillary. I wish him well and hope he makes hunters proud. Time will tell.
Lazy eyes over look what they don't want to see..... look harder

Post #10, post #15

And your post #13 was a direct dig... obviously because you think mike conspires with tonk...

Whatever makes you guys feel better....but in the end, it's a sportsman on a board of individuals who are not sportsman... so anything helps.. be happy it wasn't a Peta member


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
There's 4 members of the wildlife council, minus Rex, that hunt. Hell the female member even traps. The saved by the Bell uncle Carl lookin dude is an avid bowhunter.


Senior Member
There's 4 members of the wildlife council, minus Rex, that hunt. Hell the female member even traps. The saved by the Bell uncle Carl lookin dude is an avid bowhunter.
I guess I should have stated the term avid before the term "hunter"

I know a lot of "hunters" that couldn't kill a paralyzed deer...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Kaiser878; said:
but in the end, it's a sportsman on a board of individuals who are not sportsman... so anything helps.. be happy it wasn't a Peta member

The bottom line is this.....^^^

One person out of dozens posting not seeing it as a positive? That's not a bad average Zach.....

Mike and Tonk are buddies, they have a lot of history together most of us know that.... Just like here on TOO, we have history, we are like minded... We don't always agree on the way too get too a place but know where that place is we want too be....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Lazy eyes over look what they don't want to see..... look harder

Post #10, post #15

And your post #13 was a direct dig... obviously because you think mike conspires with tonk...

Whatever makes you guys feel better....but in the end, it's a sportsman on a board of individuals who are not sportsman... so anything helps.. be happy it wasn't a Peta member

I said "I don't see where anyone said mikes appointment to the council was bad". as you post implied that someone said. Giles did say "It's the last thing that pompous ass needs" and "I'm sickened".. I largely ignored that as his statements are obviously personal and not based on any any factual reasons why mike is bad for the council or hunters..

As for my post. I stand behind my statement. I don't need to "think" Mike conspires with Tonk. Anyone can read back through years of Mikes posts on here and it's plainly obvious he staunchly defends Tonk and sticks up for him as a friend to see where that relationship lies. My statement was ""I guess sticking up religiously for your buddy who happens to be the head of the deer management program at the DOW throughout his his 7 year deer decimation agenda paid off for rexy in the end."" Anyone who would argue that Mikes personal support didn't somehow play a role in his appointment is obviously simple in the ways of political appointments. Mike didn't receive this appointment by being a staunch opponent of Tonk. That's undeniable.

And I agree with you Zach, as I said in my earlier post. Mike appointment by in large is a good thing. It could be worse. My take is he's no Rand Paul, more like Mitt Romney, but your right, it could have been Hillary. I guess that's a win.. Time will tell. Just because I don't throw confetti and dance in the street completely ignoring Mikes years of DOW support, doesn't mean I disagree with the appointment or think Mike will do a bad job. I have reservations. Well founded ones at that. And as I said, time will tell...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I know a lot of "hunters" that couldn't kill a paralyzed deer...

Or locate one in tall grass.... lmao

Come on you gotta admit buddy you left yourself wide open for that zinger. I couldn't resist, you know i just mess with ya. Everyone's lost one.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Correct, I hate Mike as a person. I don't disagree that someone much worse could've gotten the job. He is has a lot of knowledge and could be a great person for it. It's still not gonna make me like the guy. I said nothing about his skills, I talking about his character.


Junior Member
Yall Crack me up.. All talking about Rex this, 8 member board that, farm bureau member this.. So I went and looked. I about fell out my seat when I saw they actually had a black fella. I got nothing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Yall Crack me up.. All talking about Rex this, 8 member board that, farm bureau member this.. So I went and looked. I about fell out my seat when I saw they actually had a black fella. I got nothing.
He's the fresh Prince of Bell Aire uncle Carl lookin fugger, and he's the avid whitetail bowhunter lol


Junior Member
I don't understand the negative comments being thrown at Mike. I'm sure that he will do his best get his points across and represent hunters the best that he can. I would rather have a avid sportsman on that board versus a farmer or insurance agency head representing what we as hunters want. It's got to be a difficult job keeping all parties happy when it comes to deer numbers. I think we can all agree that we are hunting a younger less dense population of deer. We will probably never see the glory days of 15 years ago as hunters. Congrats Mike and represent what we as hunters want in our deer herd.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don't understand the negative comments being thrown at Mike. I'm sure that he will do his best get his points across and represent hunters the best that he can. I would rather have a avid sportsman on that board versus a farmer or insurance agency head representing what we as hunters want. It's got to be a difficult job keeping all parties happy when it comes to deer numbers. I think we can all agree that we are hunting a younger less dense population of deer. We will probably never see the glory days of 15 years ago as hunters. Congrats Mike and represent what we as hunters want in our deer herd.

I don't have a personal problem with Mike. To me it's kind of like this.... No matter who receives the republican nomination at the convention in July, I'm sure fellow republicans will still have opinions on his policies and stance. Saying "It could be worse, It could have been Chris Christie" Doesn't give nominee Trump a pass from his history, policies, and stance being questioned by fellow republicans. Hazard of the job. In fact, it's almost to be expected when taking such a role.

I voted for kasich. I still question his actions and policies at times. Doesn't mean I would want anyone else there. It's just how an informed electorate should work.

Hence. http://www.theohiooutdoors.com/showthread.php?20565-Kasich


*Supporting member*
Correct, I hate Mike as a person. I don't disagree that someone much worse could've gotten the job. He is has a lot of knowledge and could be a great person for it. It's still not gonna make me like the guy. I said nothing about his skills, I talking about his character.

In the event I come up floating in the Hocking River, please forward the aforementioned post to the authorities and let them know it wasn't necessarily Shelly...;)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
In the event I come up floating in the Hocking River, please forward the aforementioned post to the authorities and let them know it wasn't necessarily Shelly...;)

I like how you said "Necessarily" like she's not totally off the hook. lmao... Don't mind Giles. He's just mad we wouldn't let him go headfirst in a coyote den "for science".


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
In the event I come up floating in the Hocking River, please forward the aforementioned post to the authorities and let them know it wasn't necessarily Shelly...;)

Hahaha, it'll never reach that point. Like I've said before, I'll still sit around a campfire with you. I don't know you beyond the keyboard, I might actually like you in person. Some of my good buddies I fuggen hated when I first met them. But for now, I still hate ya. [emoji106]


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hahaha, it'll never reach that point. Like I've said before, I'll still sit around a campfire with you. I don't know you beyond the keyboard, I might actually like you in person. Some of my good buddies I fuggen hated when I first met them. But for now, I still hate ya. [emoji106]

Mikes a stand up person to have in camp.. He'll talk your ear off until 3 am with some funny stories and tales.. And there's always "I'll tell you this last one"